The Original Lemmings to – 171 points –

For all you older folks who remember the game and want to re-live your glory days, have fun at


Actually Lemmy is named Lemmy partly because of this game (read it on some 'why Lemmy?' page somewhere)

We used to play this in my highschool electronics class for some reason. We had 90 minute periods and it was always something like 20 minutes of book work, 50 minutes at our benches, and then 20 minutes of Lemmings.

My electronics teacher explained some aspect of circuits using Lemmings as an analogy. I don't recall the exact details!

I was commenting in another thread that the Lemmy name does make me remember that game

Woww I had a CD-ROM of Lemmings and I always felt so sad for the lil guys. Thank you for sharing that link!

I had a DOS version on a 3.5" floppy disk. I loved the MIDI music.

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Nice! Thanks for the link - now added as a web app in my games folder 😁

Nice! Thanks for the link - now added as a web app in my games folder 😁