BLADE RUNNER 2033: LABYRINTH | Reveal Trailer to – 57 points –
BLADE RUNNER 2033: LABYRINTH | Reveal Trailer

Loved the Westwood Blade Runner game from way back. Hope this manages to recreate some of that atmosphere. Very keen for this!

Same! I picked up the Enhanced Edition on Steam recently. I'm excited to revisit it. I heard the enhanced graphics are a bit hit or miss, but the option is there to use the original assets.

Oh cool I’ll have to check it out!

The atmosphere was great but the gameplay just mediocre. I still got the DVD release somewhere around here.

I dunno for the time I thought it was pretty good, granted this is going back 20-something years! Gameplay-wise I thought it added some fun, innovative aspects to the basic adventure game formula of the time.

First Blade Runner game in 25 years!

There is/was a mobile game released in European territories called Blade Runner Rogue. Not sure it was much of a game and just one of those those dull gotcha RPGS you can auto play.

What's the style of game?

Yea I was wondering the same. I wish they included something so I know what type it is

It’s a story-based adventure game, like most Annapurna Interactive games.