The new cropped thumbnails are awful. Is there any way to revert? to /kbin – 0 points –

Previously, thread thumbnails were full images - but after the kbin update, every single one is cropped and we are only seeing half the image.

This looks awful and is functionally a degradation of quality.

Is there any way to revert this change?


Ernest has it correct. Thumbnails now show the full image when before it was doing of cropping and scaling and resulting in things being distorted or just straight missing.

Edit. Scratch that, there's some cropping happening that shouldn't be. A lot of time was spent to make sure images retained their original aspect ratio but it looks like something has gone screwy with the thumbnail service.

Actually, the previous thumbnails were cropped. You saw only a part of the image in its full dimensions. Now, it's the entire image scaled to a rectangle. It is possible to restore the previous view, and I will add the option for configuration.

I suspect theres a bug as some thumbnails are still being cropped.


Edit: it also appears to crop images in the threads themselves (as seen with the screenshot posted on this reply)