North Korea stops sending shells to Russia, Seoul claims to World – 138 points –
North Korea stops sending shells to Russia, Seoul claims

From the article:

Most of North Korea’s shells have been sent to Russia by ship, although NK Pro said that they may now have shifted onto its railway system.

“It also cannot be ruled out that weapons are being transferred to Russia by air or by rail,” it said.

So they probably havent, but are using less detectable means.

North Korea runs out of shells, asks Russia to be rearmed.

They're probably sitting on warehouses of those things, they spend a ridiculous amount of their GDP on the military. They just want a better deal and the more disastrous the war becomes for Russia the more leverage they have

I can't imagine they're in great condition though.

Rumor is they often don’t work or blow up in the artillery.

Aside from those 2 failure modes, they also suffer inconsistent propellant loading. Shells need to be perfectly consistent so you know exactly where they'll land. NK shells are a crapshoot.

It appears they have zero quality control.

The one thing I’ve Learned from Ukraine is how unprepared most countries are for war.

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