Can users upload files to Manifest V3 addons? to – 17 points –

For instance, in the settings page for Tab Session Manager, you can click an upload button to upload JSON session files from your device to the addon. I looked up if UBlock Origin Lite (the re-implementation of UBlock Origin with Manifest v3) supports custom filter lists and all the results said no it can't due to the limitations of Manifest V3. OTOH I found a StackOverflow post and Google Groups discussion saying its possible with the filesystem API.


Firefox isn't forcing Manifest V3, is it?

They are forcing MV3. They wrote a blog post about it a while back. But there keeping some of MV2

Edit: found the post.

From an update from last week:

Firefox, however, has no plans to deprecate MV2 and will continue to support MV2 extensions for the foreseeable future. And even if we re-evaluate this decision at some point down the road, we anticipate providing a notice of at least 12 months for developers to adjust accordingly and not feel rushed.

Oh that’s fantastic! Thanks for the update.

I guess that kinda depends on what you mean by "upload". If you simply mean if user can point the extension to load some local file eg. via `` then sure, that works just fine.

It sounds like the issue you mention regarding uBO Lite is not about if it can read a local file, but rather that it can't use that data to update the active filter lists - perhaps because it already has too many dynamically inserted filter rules, but that's just a guess.