19 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It was just…. ugh. 😞

Did Russell Crowe gain weight for a movie role, bc of health issues or because he discovered the all you can eat buffet on Carnival Cruises?

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Little Seizures is my second favorite pizza place after Delicious Aneurysm.

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If you actually read the article, you see that this problem is 100% solvable if you use a VPN.

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this is not psychiatry

I’d argue, based on your post, that this is absolutely about his psychiatric state. People act like this because their mental, emotional and behavioral health is poor.

Being a functional adult does not mean you have good mental health.

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You can see the requests for Pocket, certificates and the captive portal check since those are in the actual url name. In addition to those, FF phones home for browser updates, extension updates, FF sync, safe browsing, etc.

Before you throw it away, you can sideload Kodi onto it, and stream local content, IPTV, and other (not super legal) entertainment sites.

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Ask them for their kids’ social security number, DOB, etc. I’ve done that a couple of times and it always gets a reaction.

People are less concerned about themselves, but generally very protective of their children… and rightfully so.

👆This is a troll account. Look at the acct history.

Use the Yattee app and connect it to your preferred invidious or piped instance.

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I use this add-on. It doesn’t automatically turn on for every website but you get to choose which domains it works for and which domains it doesn’t.

Yes. To the uBO list maintainers and Jellyfin.

Disclaimer, This is only for

I actually read the privacy policy. There are basically 3 segments of data:

  1. The one time when you signed up.
  2. All times you log in, after you've signed up.
  3. User generated data

For part one: They store your username and the IP address used when you create the account. They store a hashed version of your password, not the actual password. They'll store that info for as long as you have an account with (although they reserve the right to keep it for up to 12 months after you've deleted your account). They store the hashed password so you can log into your account.

For part two: They keep a log of the times you sign in, the device you signed in from (iOS, Android, web) and the IP address you do it from. They delete this data on a rolling basis, every 90 days from the date the login data was created (from the time you logged in).

For part three: These are your posts, comments, upvotes, downvotes, etc. This is stored this until you delete your comment/post or undo your upvote/downvote. When you delete your account, if you haven't deleted your data, the connection (the association) between your account and the data itself is severed. This means that the comment will remain but the username value will be null.

tl;dr: I'm no expert but I think they keep a very small amount data. They probably do this to keep their costs as low as possible (but that is just my speculation).

If you're really worried about data mining and data logging, you can always go back to reddit /s

Love job offers that begin with, “I apologize”

I know you're right but I haven't been able to find the specific documentaries I want to rip. Also, my library is all in the av1 codec and I'd like to keep it that way as much as I can.

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Are you US-based?

If your wife administers the injection at home, how do you acquire the injection? Would your allergist mail you the agent, would you need to pick it up from their office in person or would you pick it up at a local pharmacy after the MD sends in the Rx to that pharmacy?

  1. As the other person commented, a locally-owned pharmacy is a reasonable option. Walgreens/CVS probably won't be able to do it.

  2. Any hospital infusion center can do this for you. I'd look for an oncology infusion center. Even though you are in immunology and not oncology, an OCN is incredibly skilled at giving sub-q injections. They are used to patients having adverse reactions to chemotherapy (anaphalaxis) and subsequently have the necessary training to make sure you will be fine.

  3. Have your current MD personally call the MD at the local immunology clinic. Docs will, more often than not, grant other docs favors and considering that the new clinic would be able to bill for the immunological agent and also the administration of that agent (two separate fees), it's not a huge favor to grant.

  4. Get a local primary care doctor and have your immunologist's office set up injections to be done in-clinic. This has the similar risk profile as the pharmacy administered injections. If you ask for this yourself, you will probably get turned down. If your allergist MD asks, the request will probably be granted.

10/10 adverb usage

I like to zero out my bank accounts each year so I tip my landlord whatever the total combined balance is. /s

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Do you just look at pictures on Imgur? Are there actual communities? I’ve only used it as a place to upload pictures to link on Lemmy or Reddit.

Pihole blocks the basics for Roku. Things like logs ads etc. but there’s a lot more telemetry that they’re collecting. Here’s a hackernews thread about the topic and the associated article it references.

The only issue I can see with abcde is that it hasn't been updated since 2019. Both FLAC and Opus have had updates as recent as 2023.

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Is there a lemmy wallstreetbets, and if so, how is this not a post in it?

I didn’t come across one and I haven’t been on reddit since Apollo shut down. So this is as good as it’s gonna get, I guess?

My thought was that if I can get in on that initial upswing and out before the stock inevitably tanks, i’d like to do that. If not, I’ll just pass on the whole thing.

Have you looked at snapcast? It's one of the tools I'm going to evaluate for a similar use case. I'm not sure if it works with Plex OOTB but it the docs say it supports UPnP. Snapcast is actively maintained so you can just create an issue on github and see how they reply.

It just gives me flashbacks to being in high school with Chrome and having a dozen useless extensions pushing my browser to a snail’s pace.

I had the same issue. Solved it by using one extension that replaces ClearURLs, Lib redirect and a couple of others. It's called Redirector.

First, it handles my new/old reddit link redirection (which is your post topic), redirects all of my privacy frontends (eliminates the need for the Libredirect extension), Wirecutter links to products that go through tracking server first, and also the Amazon /ref= tracking (eliminates the need for the ClearURLs extension if you pair it with a special uBO list).

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I bought a netgate box a couple of years back and it was total garbage. My new 2.5gb Protectli came in yesterday. Looks like I’ll be putting OPNsense on it.

Check out PodGrab

I’m familiar with torrents and seeding. I would appreciate an invitation. Thank you for the offer. Feel free to dm me.

Not the dev but afaik it is read-only. You login in order to create custom feeds of the subs that you want to look at. But you wouldn’t login with your Reddit username and password, you would create new credentials for this separate service.

Same. I just know there is a lot more out there and hope those ppl chime in. 🤞

Most of the time, yes. Options are basically wildcard and regex.

If you run into any problems, pm me. Happy to help.

Thank you.

yup, that's what I'm saying.

That is how I encode (mostly SVT but a bit with NVEenc too). There is an av1 community here on lemmy but it isn't super active. Otherwise, you're limited to the handbrake forum or reddit.

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Use Yattee and plug in your preferred invidious instance.

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Mildly racist

I use JF and tag my music with the MB ID too. Not what I’m asking.

I want to know if ppl use the playlist auto-generator plugins, lyrics plugin or others to enhance their experience.

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Same. That’s why I asked the question here lol. Gonna try out some of these recommendations over the weekend.

I'll look at both of those suggestions but mp3 should be sufficient, no?

The general consensus in the AV1 community is that the SVT encoder implementation isn't ready for HDR(10+) yet. There are some other encoders of AV1 (including Netflix's proprietary implementation) that can do it well but basic SVT offered through the public repo is not ready for HDR yet.

Edit: I should add that I compress most of my library in 1080p with av1-svt. I only leave a couple of titles in 4k format and those I'm waiting to rip until SVT becomes mature enough to handle 4K.

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