Sorting by new on Lemmy isn’t a dumpster fire experience like it is on Reddit to You Should – 526 points –

The whole posting and commenting culture is so much better here. I haven't had a single argument with anyone since I'm here and I'm a pretty active user.

Unrelated, but when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste, where do you squeeze it?

Onto my lasagna for extra taste.

Whoa, that’s pretty neat, man. So you don’t have to brush after you eat it? I’m gonna save so much time tomorrow!

Found the true italian. Just like mom’s recipe (hand motion)

In my mouth.

No, I just put it on my toothbrush.

Check out Bezos here, boasting about his toothbrush and functional oral orifice. My father lived 80 years without his lower jaw and what, you think you’re better than him or something? People like you disgust me.

There are topics that will make people turn against you in a second. People just don't talk about those. :)

I made a post about politics and got down voted liked crazy and they had to lock my post. There are small moments but it's being kept in check

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It’s one of the benefits of being a tiny fraction of a sliver of the size of reddit. It’s also something that would change if people actually migrate to lemmy.

Sadly I fear you're right. It is nice while it lasts though, it takes me back to the early days of reddit

Yes. It’s mad to me that two weeks ago I could sort by new and keep up (apart from NSFW). Now I can’t. Albeit my instance disappeared last night so I’m rebuilding again



I’m so annoyed because I spent the last few days blocking all sorts of communities.

Hopefully this isn't a definitive goodbye, but that's why I registered in two instances.

Probably is. Since the admin closed all the donation links too.

Especially if you block the communities you are not interested in you can actually have a good experieicne.

Been hard-lurking (no account) here for a few weeks, made an account finally and this is my first comment. I was a hard lurker on Reddit too, but that was because most of the interactions I've had were... bad.

Definitely seems to be a gentler place, really enjoying the Summit app, it reminds me of Boost. I've got an unRAID server I was thinking about spinning up a Lemmy docker container on, but there's not a ton of info on this specific implementation, so I will likely wait for an unRAID community app to do that more easily.

Anyway, cheers from an ex-lurker!

As long as you do it on your subscribed communities. With the volume going up time to become more focused: /c/technology noise level is getting too high.

Had to do this with reddit too, if you joined early enough. Small subs got big and noisy

I was on Reddit since the beginning. It was mailing lists before and Usenet in the 1990s.

Lemmy now is how early Reddit used to be, only more jaded.

i am honestly gonna kinda miss sorting things like /r/LPT by rising and new. The kind of things people would post would make me feel so much better about my intelligence level.

LPT: You should brush your teeth every day

1st comment: You should be using toothpaste!

Reply to 1st comment: The real LPT is always in the comments

Reply to reply to 1st comment: an essay about how their grandmother used to always brush her teeth everyday before tragically passing away

and then the ones that DO take off annoy me so much as well. 99% of that subreddit is just 'if you slightly reword a sentence from now on it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE'

Unrelated question, Can I join communities from other servers? or am I limited to communities only?

Sweet Roko's Basilisk, so I wasn't missing some mysterious reddit setting where I 'new' was translated as 'wtf' and 'crap'?

It's a whole new world.

Pineapples don't belong on Pizza.🍕

Pineapple on pizza is actually good if you get Hawaiian. By itself is just a no

It's that salty sweet combo that I love. People who don't like pineapple on pizza just live sad sad lives.

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Just shows how much smarter and superior the people who post here actually are.

I think we are just more into tech, and that's why we are here now. Because we are into tech, we care about what happens here and despise the behavior of reddit.

We are probably not smarter than other people, we just care more because of our interests.

Also a lot of us remember growing up on a internet without ads and corporations, and miss that experience.

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