1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I’ve seen other posts where users have located their most recent deleted posts and comments despite their profile displaying them as deleted. If the admins said that their website was broken and slowly processing deletions then I’d believe them, it’s Reddit after all, but they instead blamed the script. This smells of beef-fed bullshit.

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Man, the people who say everyone’s way too obsessed with trans people are way too obsessed with trans people.

Chtorr was their name, iirc.

Oh neat, this is a divisive rhetorical device. Don’t actually constructively argue for a policy you prefer, just attack how people talk about it. It’s fascinating to notice bad faith republican techniques you’ve only read about.

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Political stability is reasonable, economy’s unstable, seems uneasy. I get curious every few years and read up.

Spez succeeded, regardless. His end goal was the IPO, consequences he damned. Rectal fissures were entirely acceptable. Now whether Spez is happy with his booty blasting, that’s another question entirely.

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Request the desktop site to find the nearly full resolution picture.

I might sound a bit elitist, but the sort of people who would join Threads would lead to step 0 of the enblandening of the entire fediverse. Not to mention increased bot spam. I say this as someone who is likely enblandening the fediverse.

It’s a safe space in the literal sense. They defederated to keep out hate speech cross contamination.

I like never reading “should of”, as well. Every browser and phone’s autocorrect aggressively suggests a correction to “have.” Sometimes you don’t notice an apostrophe appearing in the middle of a word, so I can forgive “it’s,” but there’s little excuse for fighting with autocorrect to write “should of.”

Don’t disparage new users, they should feel welcome! If we aren’t kind to people like koofnoof, we might soon find ourselves without thinly veiled bigotry and baseless finger pointing. Are you sure you want to defend basic modern moral standards?

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Can you imagine the sheer level of disillusionment Epps feels? Dude’s been a fan of Fox, and particularly Tucker Carlson, for years. He hears Trump’s war squeal and, true believer that he is, jumps into action, joining hundreds to defend the country by any means necessary… and is immediately abandoned when he becomes a convenient scapegoat. I’m not sure I’d be able to function if a person I idolize dicked me that hard, that suddenly, and for so little reason.

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Check out Bezos here, boasting about his toothbrush and functional oral orifice. My father lived 80 years without his lower jaw and what, you think you’re better than him or something? People like you disgust me.

Unrelated, but when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste, where do you squeeze it?

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Whoa, that’s pretty neat, man. So you don’t have to brush after you eat it? I’m gonna save so much time tomorrow!

If lemmy goes in the wrong direction and everyone abandons (water)ship, Lenny would be a good pejorative. After all, who better to unwitting snap a rodent’s neck than Lenny?

I remember my first experience with voat being a poll discussing whether they should ban child porn. The split was ~90% in favor of banning, 10% against. 10% is concerningly high.

Sounds like they’re in the market for fight milk, official drink of the ufc.

TIL worldstar is still running. Huh.

If bots don’t end up an overwhelming issue, maybe. The internet has overwhelmingly changed between the formation of Reddit and the formation of Lemmy. Novel issues and solutions will form something new.

That’s comparing apples and community centers; people would just leave and block this instance.

As these comments are mostly outrage over the headline, I’d like to hear which republican policies people here are particularly happy about.

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Tangential but I’m curious, when was it that you noticed every search engine was broken by SEO? I started to see signs 6 years ago, but they became undeniably unusable about 3 years ago for me.

Increased population in is attributable to Redditisfun directly linking to this instance with its dying notification. Other instances may have vastly different compositions as a result.

Some context links go to entirely different comment chains as well.

They closed up in order to avoid mistakenly accepting bigots into the fold. Nothing wrong with leaving a safe space to its own devices, as long as it isn’t bothering anyone else.

Funny finding on that list there. Is federating automatic, requiring an opt-out to separate, or did an administrator see that name and go “yup, we want people to see skinhead content?”

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This may create a sort of pseudoreligious legal arms race. One group will arbitrarily take away rights based on “their religion,” as has happened today, and another will attempt to recreate those rights under their own “religious” banner, as the church of satan has attempted. “Religion” will end up a focal point, regardless of the outcome, and fundamentalists win.

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The further increased customizability of kbin has been tugging at my curiosity for weeks, but I haven’t taken the dive yet. You might have finally convinced me.

I’ve found several articles about Taranto*, but none of them mention a beating of any sort. Any chance you could offer some more details to narrow my search? Not that it matters with DuckDuckGo ignoring every boolean I throw at it.

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I dunno, I get a sort of schadenfreude when Reddit fucks up bigly but I can’t say that I care enough to want to see it fail. When they screw up, the feeling isn’t so much malicious gratification but more relief at finding something better before Huffman Musked it up. Given that there’s a full community devoted to gleefully watching reddit burn, my opinion is probably in the minority. Still, glad that lemmy’s so great.

I’m not sure whether the issues plaguing Reddit really apply to lemmy, even with a single instance being disproportionately larger than the others, which makes “Reddit 2.0” a bit less derogatory to me. Reddit’s moderator tools were severely lacking for the required output (federation helps diffuse communities, and lemmy doesn’t encourage bots to swarm in order to increase apparent user numbers for investor satisfaction), every big anti-hate decision required a media spectacle to precede it (admins here aren’t free speech absolutists with authoritarian hard-ons), and staff retention at Reddit is an odd loop of promotion into managerial obsolescence which severely increases overhead (irrelevant to lemmy). Reddit 2.0 wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to me.

Paper towels or constant air flow over a few minutes. Usually paper towels.

I really don’t understand the removal of awards. Why dump a system that makes them money for, basically, Venmo with higher fees. Who’s the target demographic for this?

Bots are ubiquitous in all of the pixel placers. Also swastikas.

Usually when I get a warning of that sort, I manually retype the url for safety’s sake, or double-check the site on Wikipedia or Whois it. There may be some characters that look identical to others. Article on it.

Or, everyone’s password should be “password.” Hackers will be too busy compromising an endless stream of accounts to use any of them. Checkmate.

It was so briefly mentioned that I skimmed past it on first reading. Surely that detail is worth more than two sentences. What a baffling decision, to stiff the company that has the single greatest chokehold on the internet.

My comment was caught in the outage, so forgive me for paraphrasing. 4chan used to be just as progressive as we are here, before they poe's law'd themselves into a nazi haven. Upside, their fall created a broad online understanding of radicalization methods, which I've found several people consistently using here, like disillusionment and appeals to open information sharing. No, telling nazis to leave isn't censorship, rando 1 through 8. Anyway, that's all to say that they're probing for opportunities to do the same thing here, and, like you, I can only wonder if it's actual bigots or state actors.

Any chance you could say where you found their financials? I’ve been fruitlessly searching for them for the last week.

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