Should I buy a steam deck this Christmas? to Steam – 27 points –

I’m lucky because I have a girlfriend who wants to buy me a steamdeck. I have a gaming PC already but I am away for a while due to grad studies. I’m worried that we buy one then a new version comes out in a few months. Should I buy one later this year?


Valve has said they are not planning on an update anytime soon so I wouldn't worry about it. If you have a good gaming PC, you can stream games to the Steamdeck for even better gaming!

Valve have made it clear they won't be releasing a new version any time soon. It's your personal choice, can you afford it? Do you want to spend the money?

I think it's brilliant, but I know others who'd prefer a normal console.

It’s a gift so its just a question of is it smart to buy one now or wait. So I guess we are getting one. I already have a switch and PS5.

There is also a program that lets you stream Playstation games to the Steam Deck, though I'm not sure if it's local-only (many of the ones for PCs, you can play games streamed from your PC from miles away if you have decent internet in both places).

Oh wow!! That’s great. Sometimes I just dont feel like sitting on the couch, you know?

I get wanting to spend money wisely... but if you do it too "wisely" your gonna miss out on a lot of fun... do you friend... as far as I know nothing is in the works nor will be for a long while