First world problems to Steam – 185 points –

I used to be same but I stopped doing it. I just started going through games as I wanted and stopped following hype trains.

I’m in the same boat, but am realizing that I do miss the conversations around the hype train. When you play a game that came out several years ago, it’s harder to have a conversation about it.

Still trying to find that happy medium, but not buy games I won’t play.

1 more...

I have years worth of backlogs 300+ games maybe played 100. Most of which came from various bundles.

But the deck has made going back to these games awesome.

The great irony is that minutes after I posted this my 9yo son came in to ask about buying another Switch game with his allowance. I had the audacity to comment that he never finished most of the other games he's bought. 😅

And then I realized my blunder and let him buy the game.

Bought like 8 games I'll never finish before the next sale. With my 3 month old and all the left over games from the last one... I feel, you