Is working with kbin again? to /kbin – 0 points –

Just saw a few new posts on my front page from users.


Yes seems so, looks like they stopped their BS

@Alexmitter I mean the admins of are tankies and have been for years, I wouldn't ever expect them to stop their BS for long.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but how is this relevant? Like, is them being "Tankies" related to them being less likely to play nicely with Kbin?

I'm new to all this, so again, sorry if this is a dumb question.

Just replace tankie in your head with Nazi and read your sentence again. Would they ever play nice? And before you ask, tankies are pretty much exactly that, Nazis with different colour of clothing.

I don't think that's helpful. First of all, why wouldn't a Nazi want their ideology to reach as wide of an audience as possible? I can see no good reason why not working with Kbin would be a good thing for them.

This seems like a pretty clear case of Hanlon's Razor to me, unless you have a better argument.