Jedi: Survivor on PC is stable on 1070ti to – 5 points –

Look like Jedi: Survivor is pretty stable on my 1070ti at 1080p with high quality setting. The average fps is 55.

Thought that I'm gonna have to play it at around 30-40 fps given that 1070 is the minimum requirements. Scratch my itch for Sekiro 2.


Last I heard the performance issues were related to CPU bottlenecks. What's your CPU?

R5 5600G. Yeah, heard the same from some videos.

Just swapped my GPU for 6700xt and GPU utilization was capped at 70%. I can even turn on RT with minimal impact most of the time lol. The average fps is 60-70 with or without RT. RT tanked it down to 40 in some areas though.

If I enable super resolution on Adrenaline, then I can push GPU utilization to 100%, but fps remains unchanged.