Samsung plans to more than double its total semiconductor investment in Texas to roughly $44 billion to – 120 points –

@technology FYI: I used the link because it's a paywall-free archive of the WSJ article

Lol I'm so sorry you had to go through all those steps just for "They've increased the budget and this is what they're doing."

"Plans" are just an idea. There's nothing to get hopeful or excited about until contracts are signed and ground is broken.

Even then. I won't be excited until any of these supposed foundries are actually producing chips.

Building the infrastructure is a huge expense. A lot of that is getting paid when they start to break ground. That doesn't mean things can't fall through, but most of the time when land is purchased and they start building on it, things will complete.

Depends what level of "building". I have seen land bought, stripped, foundation prep work started, then all the sudden the plug is pulled.