Can we agree the empty rectangles next to post titles are ugly?

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to Lemmy.World – 33 points –

I'm talking about this:

Maybe it would look better if the background was removed and the icon was x1.5 or x2 bigger? The rectangle is just weird.


They look a lot like the images boxes that Reddit has, but Reddit often manages to scrap a picture from the linked website. I could understand why instances don't want to do a fetch request to all the content that is posted here, but maybe we could at least fill these with the logo of the source for the most linked websites? That would definitely require a change to the software, though.

We already have thumbnails next to posts containing pictures. But for text-only posts it's imo just pointless to simply put a huge empty rectangle like that.

In the detail view (so the view that actually shows the content of the post + comments) they are quirt pointless, yes. Reddit also seems to hide them in that view. In the list of posts, we need them to fill the gaps (without them, it would also look weird).

Adding images (like my logo suggestion) for linked websites could just make the overview look a bit more colourful. And could also help users decide if it is worth reading the post.

edit, I see this already works for YouTube. A post that linked to a YouTube video automatically got the thumbnail assigned.

I dunno I kinda like half baked home brew stuff lol. Fr it doesn't bother me too much. As long as I understand what is happening, all good. I'm sure it'll be taken care of eventually.

Me too! I'm just so happy to have found a home away from the old place.

Having a little patience with developers who are suddenly dealing with a much larger user base than they had just a few weeks ago seems like the natural thing to do.

I'm actually really impressed by how smoothly the node and Jerboa app are both working! I've experienced very few technical issues.

All the issues I've had are non issues for me. I'm not picky, and I kinda dig how organic this all feels. It's super intuitive and just makes sense. If we're gonna have social media, I think this is the most logical option atm, and patience is a virtue. I appreciate all the work going into this, all for self betterment. 🙏

Also, clicking it should show the text the same as image posts.

For sure it could be better, but I suspect the devs have higher priorities atm. Nothing much to to but wait, actually I suppose someone could open a feature request on their github and hopefully they'd take care of it eventually.