General warns U.S. military will lose talent due to GOP blockade on promotions to politics – 180 points –
General warns U.S. military will lose talent due to GOP blockade on promotions

Just goes to show that for all they claim to love the military, the GOP is emphatically not backing servicemembers. Not during service, and not after they separate or retire either, judging by how they keep cutting veterans benefits.

They only love the military when it serves their narrative. If it doesn't, they care about as much as babies after birth.

This is (sadly) the way.

As a former service member I am glad to have seen a change over the last 20 years away from a near monopoly towards GOP. Many have woken up to the BS.

Thank you for your service!

I'm glad to hear it may be shifting. I think it was easy to claim those on the left were anti-American for wanting changes to status quo. But the America that is run purely by the Military Industrial Complex is a scary one (and pretty much the one we have currently). Everyone I know has always supported the troops, just not necessarily the wars.

It took a while but it’s happening and the good is that as a fed govt employee pretty high up, we see these ethics violations and know it’s all BS too. I have to fill a form out for ethics to review just or attend any open to the public conference. Good times.

They only love [the military/women/minorities/foreigners] when it serves their narrative