Chris Hedges: Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats to World – -4 points –
Chris Hedges: Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats

Mintpress News is ... an absolute garbage source. Of the extreme left variety.

To be fair, they are right. Assange should be protected at all costs

How can you say? The extremist news sources make shit up 10x as much as anyone else does. They're basically fiction publications, may as well read the Onion.

Why exactly? I'm not being sarcastic.

As a matter of fact there are good arguments being made about him having been connected to Russia, and having timed his releases to facilitate Trump's elections.

He has literally been instrumental to his win in 2016. I'm all for protecting whistle-blowers, but as far as I'm concerned he in particular can rot in jail.

He's not for exposing the truth, he's about using dirt to further his or someone else's agenda. Fuck him.

Sure, fuck him, no problem. But dont fuck journalism and exposing truth. Thats the key issue here.