Any good computer vision research communities? to – 22 points –

I’m trying to find more communities to keep up with computer vision and photogrammetry research. I’d love to start some if there’s no any.


I'd suggest making one on and advertising it there on the more popular communities

I was thinking the same, I really love this instance. It’s a great resource and community

If you have any luck with it, these are what you should put in:

Here's some list I have in mind:

Python specific Libraries:

  • Pillow
  • SciKit
  • Numpy
  • PyTorch

Independent Programming Language Libraries:

  • OpenCV
  • G'MIC

Domain-Specific Coding Language for image processing/computer vision

  • p5.js (This is more for creative coding)
  • Processing (This is more for creative coding)
  • G'MIC
  • ImageMagick (This is more of a converter than for computer vision/image processing)

Yah those all sound great. I’d add some 3D libs as well (Open3D and PCL) and probs deep learning libs (PyTorch). Might as well put a section on Segment Anything too because meta is gonna automate us

Open3D and PCL falls under independent programming language libraries, correct?

This is why I started a thread for coding with image processing languages and libraries within community request. It did not turn out well.