Need suggestions for an easy self-built open-source Android reddit client for personal use. to – -9 points –

Due to API change, most 3rd party app die. Some app like Atom still work, but I doubt it will stay any longer. I do try some open source app for desktop, it work fine with my API key (rtv, troddit). I am going to get source code of an open source code, and self build my app with my API key. I would like you recommend me some open source Android app that easy to build. I am not mobile developer, but I have some developer skill, a Ubuntu user.


As you mentioned due to the API changes everything is dying in reddit. Also why use Reddit at this point, use something like Lemmy / Kbin, sure communities are still small but the more people that use it the better it will grow.

Some small community don't move, such as r/fallenlondo

I think, most community that attached to a product, company won't move any soon. It is a risky to move your community to another platform.

Yeah that's fair enough, So it would have to be people that want to look up certain things or do certain things that need to sort of move first such as maybe certain games or topics.