Threads To Start Implementing Rate Limits Like Twitter As Mark Zuckerberg Says He’s “Optimistic” About Platform & Focused “On Growing Community” to – 67 points –
Threads To Start Implementing Rate Limits Like Twitter As Mark Zuckerberg Says He’s “Optimistic” About Platform & Focused “On Growing Community”

Such a click bait title.

Lemmy has ratelimits also its what sane people do, you ratelimit how fast people can submit posts to prevent bots from flooding your site with spam.

Read ratelimits is crazy town Post submitting ratelimits is sane spam policy

Read rate limits are a thing too. It helps reduce scraping and keep your services online. But, I agree, the title is clickbait and there is a huge difference between limiting requests to something like 60 per minute and 500 tweets per day.

Rate-limiting things to human-speeds is fine.

The issue with Twitter rate-limits is that 600 tweets per day is doable in just 2 or 3 minutes of scrolling. Well within human limits.