Crushed it growmies. After a week of drying and slight cleanup the total is 600g. to – 47 points –

She’s fruity with just a hint of spice, cleaned this one up quickly with a canna brush, not hating the result actually.


Ah I knew you could do it bro, great work. How's the smoke?

It’s uhh not making me want to do much, which is exactly what I wanted. It’s fruity with a hint of spice, I’m enjoying it, can’t wait for a bit of a cure on her.

Do you save the trimmings? I just started to freeze them to make some butter later.

I’ve never saved fan leaves, if sugar leaves I do when I have the time, which I didn’t this time. Most are fine to smoke anyways, and it saves me time and pain.

I save my AVB from my vaporizer for that now, so not like I’m hurting for it or anything, but yes it’s a great idea to save the trim for butter.