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Joined 5 months ago

I checked their webesite/app, that was mentioned that all features require payment.

Do people not read about apps before using them or something? Thats so strange, if I wanted to learn a language, I would make sure that’s possible with the app before using it myself.

But is the test worth anything more than just a little ego boost and online award? Isn’t the lessons enough anyways?

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Larger ships have to be towed by tugs.

Yes that was addressed in the comment.

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Sorry yeah, that was definitely rude, having a bad morning, figured like you replied to a response to them and just didn’t read the comment… so common these days unfortunately.

Jeez that’s just crazy, probably don’t want hosting liability or something, but that’s hilarious.

It’s always interesting seeing people’s “preconceived” notions of what a place looks like. When people usually think of my city, it’s all rednecks and “oil”, but I think we have one of the best backdrops a city could have.

The amount of nature within a short drive is just astonishing. Not many people can drive to the mountains and back in a day for a snowboard/ski trip or a hike even.

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That’s the next province over, Saskatchewan. The joke is you can watch your dog run away for days.

It is the most absolutely boring 5-6 hour drive imaginable, just straight, not very up, not very down, just straight. If it wasn’t for the electrical lines and windmills it would be hard to tell you’re moving.

Can’t link to a hoster, even type it out to avoid a hyperlink blocker?

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Seriously, people getting their knickers tite over that shit still?

What exactly are they advertising?

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Why not, they are one store front with prolific shovelware still.

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What tension? Fans being stupid?

Nintendo is litigious yea, but there’s hundreds of emulators out there that haven’t been sued, they only sue people who do blatantly illegal stuff they can sue them for. What has palworld done that’s illegal?

Emulators are legal, so they leave the legal ones, they go after the ones perpetuating the illegal parks, like Yuzu.

What she looked like on the day I started flowering the photos.

I think the resistance of the coils are finicky too, I’ve fixed some carts by putting it on a battery with adjustable voltage and turning it to max. Makes it work with the other batteries again. So try a newer fresher battery, older batteries loose voltage over time and may not be able to trigger the coils with current charge.

Could likely be partly to do with the wicking as well affecting the coil resistance.

Their lawyers tie you up with a lot of legal fees trying to get you to defend it, if you don’t they take you to court for a frivolous suit.

Either way they win and you lose, even if you’re right.

I don’t see it playing out positive unfortunately.

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Sea turtle meat is considered a delicacy by Zanzibar’s people even though it periodically results in deaths from chelonitoxism, a type of food poisoning.

Second paragraph.

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Better example would be raw vs cooked weight of a 1/4lb paddy.

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People already seem to forget this isn’t the first time, the release of Witcher 3 was horrendous as well.

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A few colleagues would make drinking games of shenanigans like this.

I even know couples who have set up tinders for each other and see who can get the most matches or starters.

It may indirectly affect the other users experiences unfortunately.

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Isn’t that what a MAC address is? There is a few ways to ch age it unless that’s been fixed iirc.

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Dune is a very hard book to put onto screen since there’s not a lot of action and a lot of extremely important details built into the narrative.

They aren’t the greatest since they need to try and remain faithful to the political and religious story arcs while keeping it interesting with the little lore there is so far.

This one of those things that sounds correct, but isn’t even remotely true. Like not at all, not even based on anything even.

Wall finishes varies in thickness wildly, and the milled wood also varies in final dimensions depending on moisture content.

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Dude #3 has 1 white pixel no?

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Originally, the rook symbolized a chariot. The Persian word rokh means chariot, and the corresponding pieces in Oriental chess games such as xiangqi and shogi have names meaning chariot. Persian War Chariots were heavily armoured, carrying a driver and at least one ranged-weapon bearer, such as an archer.

Modern ones are akin to siege towers is my take.

There’s a difference between overcooking your food by a few minutes making it less palatable and forgetting it the oven making it a crisp 3 hours later when you’re hungry and go looking for food.

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I’ve always just left bowls of food out for my animals. Gets topped up every 4ish days. Fresh water every morning though.

Everyone’s mileage will vary though, some dogs and cats just can’t be left with food. They’ll eat till the vomit. I don’t think there’s any way to fix it, just roll with it.

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Have we reached a time where people don’t know what instructional dvds are?

Torx were basically invented because Henry Ford wanted to have exclusive use of the patent for robertsons and the Canadian didn’t want to do that.

ADHD is just a bunch of symptoms in a trench coat.

Yeah everyone pees, but if you do it 60 times a day, you should probably ask why, no?

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There’s a difference between patent trolling and protecting their patents.

Provided Nokia just won a case, it’s extremely doubtful they would fall into the “troll” catagory.

Why do you think they’ve become a disgrace?

Most other mammals destroy their offspring if there’s a risk and there a chance of survival for themselves or a smaller amount of offspring.

They can always mate again, that baby is gonna be dead before it has the chance.

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Could this be akin to the Birthday paradox?

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Wasn’t Nvidia the one that was caught intentionally doing things to break games on competitors drivers with their sponsored games?

Earned isn’t the right word when you have to do shitty things and cut your competition down…

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I wonder if it’s more damage control, why are they allowing games to be sold in markets where the mandatory linking wasn’t possible?

Steam should know this limitations, the devs knew about the requirements from Sony, it was listed on the store page since it was listed.

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A lot of smoke came up from the wildfires in the USA too.

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Why are we defending publishers and letting them get away with using this term this way? The term should be earned for its content and quality. AAA should not mean “large studio”.

This whole “we are a AAA studio”, when they haven’t even made a game and got the business license the day before is fucking stupid as shit. Don’t use the terms the way they want it to be used.

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Well I would assume most people using these apps knows not every match or conversation will go somewhere.

Theres also a massive difference to be upfront like the meme, and dragging it out and leading them on.

If you are just looking for likes or matches, where’s the harm in that?

This makes it stricter than hotels, cameras were only allowed in common areas before (hallways, living room) so same as hotels. They changed it to remove these ones.

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So do I get high when I eat the peppers or have I made an inhaleable napalm?

Sir this is the internet, you can’t just drop slurs like that anymore.