Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit to – 466 points –
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit

How does this KEEP GETTING WORSE??


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Their lawyers tie you up with a lot of legal fees trying to get you to defend it, if you don’t they take you to court for a frivolous suit.

Either way they win and you lose, even if you’re right.

I don’t see it playing out positive unfortunately.

Can the lawyers on the receiving end of a DMCA takedown take the other party to court for a frivolous suit? I thought one of the problems was that there is no recourse for those on the receiving end of a bad DMCA takedown?

What I think would happen is the modders send a DMCA takedown, and EA either does take it down, or they file a "we're not violating copyright, promise" form and then that's the end of the DMCA. If they file the "we're not violating copyright" form, then from there the modders can file a normal copyright violation suit if they choose.

Right, EA would file a counter-notice. Then the modder would have to get lawyers involved and file an actual legal complaint, and EA would respond with their lawyers.

But once they file the counter-notice, you could just stop there. They could sue you for filing in bad faith, but I've never heard of that happening.