See also: food cooled off enough to not burn myself to ADHD – 604 points –

Meme pilfered from How To ADHD Meme reaction video 😁


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There’s a difference between overcooking your food by a few minutes making it less palatable and forgetting it the oven making it a crisp 3 hours later when you’re hungry and go looking for food.

Are there really ovens without a timer that will keep cooking indefinitely? I've only ever known ovens that require you to set a time.

I've only ever used ovens without a timer, no protections whatsoever against leaving them on indefinitely

Privilege speaking. Dude cannot fathom older ovens existing.

Mine is older than me. I'm 22

I have a 3 year old one but its a basic model so the timer only beeps after it runs out and you still have to turn the knob to shut it off.

Yeah so it's not "privilege speaking". Since my oven is so old I assumed every new oven would be like that.

I'm 35 and was working with an oven in the "50+ year mark", just a few years ago.

I have preheated overnight

I have baked cookies, cinnamon rolls, frozen pizza etc... overnight

I've had it justa warming my house, cause I didn't turn it off

Maybe I'm irresponsible... maybe older ovens are less forgiving. When my stove/oven was finally replaced, I didn't have that issue. And it also cooked properly/evenly (a bonus).

What I'm kinda saying is: old stoves/ovens don't "easily" die, because they're easily repaired. But ya gotta keep your eye on them when they're cooking. And they will keep cooking, regardless of timer.

That "timer" is an analog 'buzz-noise', but it don't do anything to stop the heat. It's a reminder/warning... for you to come deal with it

sorry didn't realise by old you meant ancient

Lol yeah...I guess it's relative. Thinking about it, that thing was probably considered an antique. May as well have had a wood burning stove

At least back then they made things to last. My parents installed a new oven not even 10 years ago and it's already faulty. I got their old one and it still operates like it used to 20+ years ago.

I’ve never heard of an oven turning off when a timer is done, can you provide a link to one please?

What if the food isn’t done cooking and needs more time? Now it needs to warm back up, and it can also still continue to cook in the still warmIsh oven even if it turned off. So I don’t see the point either?

Still, link please.

Most ovens (at least in the UK) do have a timer setting that will turn the oven off when it's done and also a way to delay it starting until a certain time. They aren't the default though, most people will just set the basic kitchen timer on the oven and not even realise there's the extra functions available.

What if the food isn’t done cooking and needs more time? Now it needs to warm back up.

Well if you don't take too long it's still hot so it will be fine.

it can also still continue to cook in the still warmIsh oven even if it turned off.

I guess, but at least it won't be cooking at full capacity anymore. If anything this is good because the oven is then keeping your food hot.

I don't have a link. The one I have isn't being sold anymore and the company only sells printers these days.

The timer on my oven might as well just be glued on the front after the fact. It's just a little clockwork twist timer with no connection to overall the mechanism of the oven at all.

I've never used an oven that automatically turns off after the timer buzzes. That sounds luxurious!

(and honestly, sounds like a super helpful OT tool/accommodation for me to be more independent/safe when cooking, so I know what to look for in a new oven.... Not that I get a choice of oven as a renter, you get what you get)

where tf do you guys buy your ovens this is actually wild to me

The last 3 places I've lived in have come with various models of this budget burner

it's a gas oven and mine is electric so maybe that's why?

Maybe, I imagine it's much harder to have an auto shut off timer when you also need to mechanically close the gas valves. But I think it could just be the price point, the one at my current unit is an electric built in, but it's also just a reminder timer. Not sure what brand it is, all the paint on the front has long since worn away (it was installed in 1998 according to the REA) - so I also don't quite know what temperature I'm cooking at. (when I moved in I put a probe thermometer in there and spent about 4 hours playing with the temperature dial and marking it with nail polish so I could at least have a vague idea of what temperature I was setting the oven to)

check out my "luxurious" oven from the 90s that shuts off automatically after the timer ends (it has both microwave and convection (hot air) as well as other options I never use)

I mean every oven I've ever had has a cook time and a timer, the cook time turns the oven off when done and the timer just beeps, plus it doesn't require that your oven be on, so you can use it for other things. Also your link doesn't work.

finally someone else with a normal oven lol

and yeah apparently streamable didn't want to cooperate