2x Durban poison and 2x blueberry auto, germed apr 11.

SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world to Trees@lemmy.world – 32 points –

Already absolute monsters, in typical Schmidt fashion 😂 have you harvested your other ones yet? Does Canada have plant limits?

Thanks growmie, this part always seems to go so slow, I think the plug stays too wet to the roots don’t for looking right away.

Planning next week/end. Canada has weird legislation, federal government basically said you need to legalize it, but it’s up to each province on the specifics, but here are our limits.

I’m allowed 4 plants for personal growth, I could go pay for a medical card to grow up to 100 plants. 30g carry limit, but no limit for how much in my house.

Manitoba restricted the personal grow entirely, so zero plants.

She doesn’t seem to be screaming chop me yet.

Man she's close though... how much do you think you'll get?

Last grow was 400gish and I’m positive I pulled it early now. So 500g+ would be fantastic.

It’s a 500w light so that would be 1g/w which isn’t too shabby, but I was also cooking my plants, I’m at about 60% power? So 500g would be something else.

You have a pretty tight setup, I don't think a gram per watt would be unreasonable. Will you write us a full review when you get to smoke it?

Yeah absolutely, I’ll try to remember to make an album with a little write up and follow up when it’s got a dry on it.

Are your tomatoes doing ok? That looks like tomato blight on them.

Honestly no idea, just an experiment. They’ve had too much light, my pump timer was off, and I’ve had to rip the roots apart to move them.

Any advice would be appreciated, I’m gonna get a trellis though.

Better zoomed out picture.

Looks like it has the blight but without physically being there i’m not 100% sure. Personally I’d err on the side of caution and dose them with some fungicide. Blight starts with the bottom leaves and works its way up which was my initial clue that this may be blight.

I’ll read up on it thanks! I need to clean up the leaves that are dying from the other issues still which may make it look better?

I’ve got some safers, but I think it’s an insecticide, I should grab some stuff for the outside garden anyways I guess.

Got any recommendations?

There are a bunch of different treatments depending on how much you want to remain organic or not. I can't really recommend any since it will depend on how you want to treat the problem. Since it's a fungus you'll need to do preventative measures in order to make sure the disease doesn't come back as well as treat the plants with a fungicide. You can get fungicides that are straight chemical, ones that are metal based, or ones that use germs to kill the fungus. Just make sure you do a little research beforehand and choose a food safe fungicide and follow the directions.

Appreciate it, will do my own research no issue there growmie.

I do already use hydroguard in the water to help prevent issues in the reservoir. Sounds like something I’ll hit up the local hydro shop for at least.

Had no idea weed grows from Nesquick.

My first batch of clay pebbles was smooth and round, these ones I was questioning, but now I have a way to refer to them, thanks! You can still see a few of the old ones mixed in I think.

So, I been meaning to ask you about a home setup. I wanted to start simple and build up over time. Like, how simple can I start and still expect a yield? I'd be growing inside pretty exclusively. I've got a bunch of grow lights for starting seeds and equipment to match. Could I just drop a seed in a pot and mind my light timing?

If you can grow tomatoes you can grow cannabis, very similar reactions to stress, lots of people use them for analogs for testing.

You want simple? I don’t think it gets simpler than a Space bucket .

With soil you can definitely do that, some people even initiate 12/12 from germination for fast quick harvests. Usually you veg it on an 18 on 6 off schedule for a month of growth first.

Now this is perfect. Thanks, dood. And that's good news, I grow tomatoes like a mother fucker

Yeah I just let my outdoor plants mainly go wild. I need to dial things back sometimes.

There’s 5 tomato plants in that 3’x4’ area. Learned my lesson yolo.

Lol, I did that last year. I put 13 vines in the ground like an idiot. I had the space (questionably) but I did not have the stomach. I wish I woulda picked up canning by now

Oh jeez I wish I had that problem, I know I’ve mentioned it many times….

Sept 6

Oct 6

I did get some jaleponos and other ones, but I think those were a milder one, never ripened before the first got her. You can see the anthocyanins on some of the peppers from the cold starting to creep in on the sept one.

And yes I know probably shoulda of cared for them better, I’m learning.

Yeah, I thought I was suffering in 7 watching everyone below me dancing around their citrus trees. Three is just crazy. Lotta beans and greens


My harry pothead setup. We all start somewhere.


Just watering into a mat, I upgraded over time to an auto draining system, an auto watering system, still needed to hand mix, but it pumped the water to the pots and back out by itself.


What the final setup was before moving to tents. Tents I just moved the plants to the tub to water and back. You should water to a 15% runoff, so the extra needs to go somewhere. Theres plenty of other ways to water soil, and even more other ways to grow as well, coco, hydro, aero, kratky etc.

Lol, I dream of having a place with an aquaponic setup for veggies and fish. Don't see why I couldn't add a block of something smelly

I love self sufficient setups like that. Everything working in harmony chefs kiss sometimes though, money and technology prevail. I dunno if I just had a brown thumb for soil indoor, or I was overthinking things, but my aero results speak for themselves.

Sometimes, some people just can’t do something, no sense dwelling on it, just move on.