
Good point :) Here's the blurb from the pinned post in !

A great way to find lesser known communities is to look at the /communities page on an instance. For example:

๐ŸŒ Instances to look through

  • (NEW): Great way to find instances related to a particular topic. This is also great for picking an instance when first making an account/moving accounts.
  • awesome-lemmy-instances: not that organized, but it

๐Ÿ”Ž Search pages

๐Ÿ”ฅ Apps and Browser Extensions

๐Ÿ™Œ Communities for discovering new communities:

Here are some other communities, some of which are less active:

Remember, you can also post questions about finding new communities right here!

๐Ÿ‘ฝ Coming from Reddit?

Again, it's the same in reddit, if you create a new sub no one can see it because reddit doesn't share what new communities there are, they're hidden from the search unless you know the exact name or until they have enough activity, but it's a cycle where you can't have enough activity because it doesn't appear in searches.
The answer in both, reddit and lemmy, is crossposting, you need to promote your new community with good content.
Or sharing it in communities like ! or !
There's also this site, tho I don't know how it gets populated