7 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
Reddit blackout leaver

Reddit is a selfish company who feeds on free labor! They will never pay mods or creators.

How about you pay them instead for Reddit premium. After all, you get useless Reddit coins for your monetary sacrifice.

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Yes it does!

Would be nice with a brief description of what each link does.

Never forget the YouTube rewind video they produced themselves which beacme the most disliked video ever! Lol

I don’t use any social media. I give my phone number to family members. They can call/text if they want to reach me.

Well. In a nutshell, this is the whole point with everything being federated. However, it could be a fantastic opportunity to talk to the community mods and come together as one community.

The CEO is a total scumbag and Apollo closing down.

Yes it is!

People tend to dislike google because they collect a ton of data on you and you can't ever be sure they aren't selling it to other companies.

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Ditch negative people from your life. Surround yourself with positive people and you’ll excel faster than ever before!

Definitely. Although some are expensive for no reason so it’s important that you do your research and buy a mattress that is of high quality.

I don't trust the refund policy. If they have a so called refund policy why not force every published to add a 1-2 hour free trial instead? We should be able to try games and evaluate before the money leaves our pockets.

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Sounds like we have the same wife! High five

I'm using Eternity but every single client I've tested lack mod tools so most of them are a no no for me.

We dont celebrate Halloween in Sweden so it was just like any other weekend really! Still good though!

I’m sort of the same as you.

I took a 6 bootcamp, got a job straight away after as a full stack junior web developer.

Programming as a job was the single worst decision I make. I was working with languages and frameworks I don’t enjoy, I was building a product I don’t care about in the slightest.

It took me 1 year of full time web dev before I quit and went back to regular IT which isn’t the most fun thing, but it works for me. I’ve been doing it for over a decade so I can do it in my sleep, it’s easy money tbh. Programming for me is definitely more of a hobby than a job. Having it as a job really killed my love for it

Nowadays I only code in Python which I LOVE. I use my programming skills to automate work tasks, and I make small scripts here and there and it’s so much fun.

Solving small problems with scripts is just what I enjoy doing. I get to work on a project for a day or two. I can complete it fast then move on to something else.

Now I’m about transitioning into Data Engineering instead of Software Development.

No karma!

I love supporting good games and awesome studios. What I don't like it getting screwed because screenshots and trailers look cool and they game turn out to be shit and still cost me $50.

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This is like asking how long a rope is.

It all depends on how many users you have making requests daily.

If the instance is only for you then you could host it at home on a $50 Raspberry Pi.

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I get what you're saying but do you realize how time consuming and cumbersome that is, even if it's the proper way to do it.

No worries. You go to your inbox and click the following:

Anything you can do with AHK you can do with Python. No need for ahk on Linux tbh.

Sounds like your feed settings are wacky. I use Local + New and I get new content all the time. You could even do All and you should for sure see new content. I don’t feel like your post is valid.

We already have this in Sweden. 10km in Sweden is 1 mil (Swedish mile).

When we sell/buy used cars and other types of vehicles we always count the mileage in Swedish miles.

Kilometers work but is just absurd when you start talking about 100k+ kms.

Yes. That’s quite a downside actually!

This would’ve saved me a headache!

From what I’ve heard. I’ve you have an Nvidia GPU the easiest thing you can do is to run Ubuntu. They have partnered up with nvidia and they provide you will all drivers you need right out the box.

It can be a hassle to sort out nvidia cards with certain distros.

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99% time on Lemmy, 1% on Reddit telling people to migrate to Lemmy.


If you're on windows then ShareX is a free open source tool for screenshots and screen recording. I've used it for years and it's my favorite one.

I mostly code in Python and for that I use PyCharm. For everything else I use VS Code.

Thanks for your comment! Both positive and negative for sure.

That’s a good pint actually. A double edged sword for sure!

I know what you mean. I would too. But I know they’re getting nothing so it’s not worth it.

I only pay for YouTube premium tbh.

That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!

I've considered this but it's a hassle dealing with cross device sync. I've tried to store my DB file on Google drive. I've tried to store everything in a Git repo. But in the end, stuff always ends up in the cloud.

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Sorry to hear that! PopOs is cool though!

I personally don't think so. You're free to do what ever you want with any system that is obsolete and not supported.

This is great. Thanks!

Thank you! Very interesting read!

Good point!