
5 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The place is awful. Waiting for individual instance banning.

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It seems like my generation (Gen Z) is a lot worst with technology than millenials. Most of my generation don't know simple stuff like how filesystems and directories work or how extract a zipped folder. I blame the usage of phones as the primary computer and really dumbed down software that dosen't allow any sort of self troubleshooting or configuring.

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If you haven't already you can usually ger compensation for delayed flight. Check out the compensation page for the airline your using.

As a child, I would say yes. Most adults don't have enough time.

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That dosen't really translate to neural nets though. There is nothing inherent about matrix multiplication that would make it good at reading code. And also computers aren't reading code they are executing it. The hardware just reads instruction by instruction and performs that instruction it has no idea what the high level purpose of what it is doing actually is.

Hacker News is great because there a lots of interesting discussions and articles especually on Ask HN. It feels like a high quality tech/programming subreddit but without the disadvantages of reddit. https://news.ycombinator.com/

For navigating files quickly fzf is pretty much crucial to my workflow. Being able to get my home directory to the directory of the project I want to work on in two seconds flat is such a nice feeling after manually typing the path in for months. https://github.com/junegunn/fzf

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Other than having first class support on Apple's hardware Swift dosen't have much going for it. There is no killer feature in Swift, it dosen't widespread features and it only has a small niche. If you want to develop for mainly Apple devices I would say go for it as that is the niche it was designed for. Although I see from your post you want to do ML, Python for the high level stuff + C++ for the low level stuff is probably your best pick for that. May I ask what type of ML are you going for? Are you mainly using libraries like Tensorflow, Pytorch etc... or are you into the nitty gritty of building these things yourself and writing the required code for the matrix math and training algorithms.

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Thanks man, I'll look into it when I have the time. This should work on all IEEE compliant systems right?

It's my machine?

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Feeder, a RSS reader for Android. It has great UI, is fast at finding and parsing .xml from a link and has a comfortable reading experience. It has basicslly replaced social media for me besides the fediverse. The only thing I wish it had was more customizability. Being able to install Nord theme on it would be great.

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Wait isn't lemmy written in rust how do you create a memory leak in rust? Unsafe mode?

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You can use tldr for man pages but for generic text I don't know. You would probably need a LLM.

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Answering my own question here. If you don't have any interest in how the tools you use work, programming isn't "for you" (take that with a grain of salt). If you are writing code and have never looked into how compilers/interpreters work or are using a library and haven't even taken a peak at the library's source code you should because it will make you a better programmer in the long run. And I'm not saying you can't get anything done without that curiosity but curiosity is a major part of being a programmer. Also you don't need to have a deep understanding of the tool just a overview of what it's doing. Like for a compiler understanding what lexers, parsers, ASTs, code generators are will allow you to write code with that in mind.

I believe Llama is open source but not sure how complicated it is to get running locally. Nevermind: https://replicate.com/blog/run-llama-locally

You can probably write a bash wrapper around it that feeds in "Can you summarize this text: (text here)" by setting the PROMPT variable the bash script. (Probably just do PROMPT="Can you summarize this text: $1") (Obviously don't recompile everytime so remove the clone build and download code)

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How to use SPI with multiple slaves and only one master.

Iceraven + ublock origin and its all gone.

Nethack is also available on termux. I like to play on my Chromebook when at school.

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Can't use bottom because for some reason phone manufacturers decided to remove physical home keys and just have virtual ones. Whenever I try to click or swipe at the bottom of my screen I end up hitting it.

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I mean they are kind of meant to be triggering. They are "hot takes".

I agree that make is confusing at first but I don't think it should fall out of use. It's a great tool that I use everyday it is far simpler than its competitors once you get used to it. It is basically glorified bash scripting.

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Maybe I'm stupid but I still don't understand.

Will this work from slax linux? I am sorry if I seem like I can't fix the issue myself seeing as you have given the resources for me to do so but what would be the exact steps to do that?

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As a person uses neovim, make and exclusively programs in C I am indeed triggered. Maybe you could argue Make and C are hard but Vi definitely is not (atleast the basics aren't).

I've been using JetBrains Mono Nerd Font for my terminal as of late and Inter for my GUI's.

I'm 15 and I have been trying to degoogle but it's hard. The school insists you use Google services. You need to use a locked down Chromebook and use Google Classroom. Google Slides or whatever. If you want to access your school email you need to use Gmail and the services that are not provided by Google you need Microsoft for such E-learning classes. They don't use any FOSS whatsoever.

Thank you all for offering advice. I did eventually get it working and repaired all the packages.

Yeah the restrictions on Chromebooks are really annoying. Termux is the only way I can actually program on my chromebook and if they remove that I guess it's time to buy a Thinkpad.

For android: Feeder is just great For linux desktop: Newsboat

Essentially although there are a few key differences:

  • In Rust there always only one owner while in C++ you can leak ownership if you are using shared_ptr.
  • In Rust you can borrow references you do not own safely and in C++ there is no gurantee a unique_ptr can be shared safely.
  • In Rust, A lot more compile time optimization for the borrow checker is available whereas in C++ the type system dosen't always let the compiler know for sure when an object goes out of scope, is moved, or is destroyed and so you miss out on a lot of optimization that would be trivial with Rust like syntax.

My bad, I should have been more specific in my post. I was talking in the context of software which in most music players has the pause and play buttons occupying the same space. On physical devices such as dvd player I obviously consider the pause button as "to pause" and the play button as "to play"

I mean having thw insrance not show in your feed. I know Connect has that but I want something that is proper FOSS.

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By excluded he means macro assemblers which in my mind do qualify as an actual langauge as they have more complicated syntax than instruction arg1, arg2 ...

How do I make DDG only returns results from lemmy. Usually you can make it only return results from a specific website (like reddit.com) but you can't do that because of different instances.

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Maybe your just learning from the wrong place? A lot of people who say they aren't a "math person" often just have a shitty education.

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OOP isn't classes though but I get what your saying.

It would be nice if Apple didn't lock down the phones but that is never going to happen.

The code is produced by the compiler but they are not the original source. To qualify as source code it needs to be in the original language it was written in and a one for one copy. Calling compiler produced assembly source code is wrong as it isn't what the author wrote and their could be many versions of it depending on architecture.