1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Surely a 1:1 emulator would just run DRM as expected and it would never know... Feels like it may stop day1 piracy via emulators but anything beyond I'm sure would be patched.

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For the most part, this seems a fairly sane proposal.

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The bad practise would be to entirely disable IPv6. #ShittySysAdmin

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This is the most confusing and awesome message I've ever had.

Thanks for this, I will look at deploying Octave on our systems alongside MATLAB. I was unaware they were the same/similar package (I don't use the software, only deploy it) and had never been asked for it.

Ext4 with backups

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Most distros will run the grab is prober and add the additional entries.

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Importantly and how it's different to FF is that it boots the content without calling the disk reset and if you keep the disk button wedged then that reset never triggers, so that copy protection isn't called, where as FF basically triggers a drive reset which is why you couldn't use that.

Jerboa is fairly simple in terms of its the instance that does the majority of heavy lifting.

What you're asking for could be solved in Jerboa with some work, or you could host your own instance and get what you need now without community effort.

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So my Android phone has new pipe set as the default to hand all YT links in the settings, however the baked in yt app always takes over and I can't seem to stop this... I don't think it can be forced easily.

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I'm sure on CentOS/RHEL7 this will be irrespectivly classified a CVE score of 7.8 so they don't need do security updates for it.

Derek Derek1 DerekNew Derek2 NewDerek Ted DerekNew2 DerekTheServer Derek-Derek DerekMini

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Terminus IMO is utter crap, their sales team are useless and didn't want to engage with me in a useful non-automated way. Their 'Linux' support is actually just a Ubuntu based deb installer which you need to manipulate to be useful on other distros. I am also very cautious of their cloud sync which holds your passwords and keys especially since it doesnt use your systems defaults on Linux.

However it is currently the best ssh client I can install on android via Google play on a device I can't sideload Juice onto, I just don't let it remember passwords and keys.

Wrapper - https://gist.github.com/adamboutcher/76aa402ad4478faeed95a4e953fdd200

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SQLite doesn't like NFS, the file locking isn't stable/fast enough so any latency in the storage can cause data loss, corruption or just slow things down.

However SQLite to MySQL is relatively peanuts, Postgres less so...

Still it's a nice move for those that don't run containers on a single host with local filesystems.

Do you have any issues? I used to find that the T420 series were hot garbage... Trackpads that didn't always work, the nipple mouse never worked, keyboard keys being soft stickied and no external hdmi.

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Federation more or less means the info is copied, so from a dcma standpoint the instance is still liable. If content is deleted from the main instance, it doesn't always delet from a federated one.

This would de different if you could proxy instead of copy the data on federation.

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You also have Teams for Linux which is compatible with Microsoft Teams (Work)but no longer supported. It however isn't compatible with Microsoft Teams (Personal) but if you try to use Microsoft Teams on Linux for personal use, it tells you to install the now non-existant Teams for Linux that only works with Microsoft Teams (Work).

There's also two different versions of logging out in Teams for Linux, Logout and Log Out. Both of which log you out but only one lets you log in as a different user.

Don't get me started with the Microsoft Teams PWA that is now the "way to use Teams on Linux" but isn't the Teams PWA that installs if you try the normal way...

All hail Microsoft Teams! At least I can stream the games I'm playing to my work meetings so people know I'm skiving.

It's the networking stack causing the panic, my guess is the WiFi card gets sad.

This is pretty cool. Perfect idea for a small standalone Lemmy instance.

Power line adaptors

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Checkout Zork, it runs Zcode games. There's loads of games at IfArchive with some packs listed on intfiction.

For gnome login, (on Fedora at least) you need to install the packages and edit PAM config to enable the yubikey with login.

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It's for work and that's all...

What are they?

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There is a goodix Linux driver for the following models:

  • 27c6:538c
  • 27c6:533c
  • 27c6:530c
  • 27c6:5840

Have a look here for a Fedora37 Guide. https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2500389

Also fwupd does support the XPS range, I get my bios updates and usb dock updates through it.

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I support only Dell XPS 13/15 inch laptops at work exclusively with Fedora Linux, 99% of things work; occasional issues with things like the fingerprint sensor which is better supported in Ubuntu (it's a usb based goodix fingerprint sensor). The latest 15 inch has some issues with sound being quiet but over amplification solves this with some fidelity loss which isn't a problem for normal alet type noises.

Iirc your model (we had one of) works more or less flawless out of the box.

This seems like a bad idea and would only increase load for all federated instances with no real benefit to the community. (Maybe if you were an instance with say 10million users).

However it is exciting and cool, just personally not a recommendation I would be giving.

FYI docker images binding to an NFS mount can be tricky due to ACL extensions not being supported. Podman is especially bad for this.

DL380 G9. Those bioses don't support booting from PCIe at all.

They actually do but it can only be a HPE supported BootROM... anything non-HPE is ignored (weirdly, some Intel and Broadcom cards PXE boot without the HPE firmware but not all).

Most of these boards have internal USB and internal SD slots which you can boot from with any media, intact HPE sell a USB SD card raid adaptor for the usb slot. So I would recommend using SD card for this...

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You can't remove YT in a log of official Android ROMs as it's backed in, not can you disable it...

ZFS is great but I wouldn't recommend it for single volume setups. I've never lost data with it but the parity has always been the saviour.

Never used BTRFS.

I avoid XFS due to performance reasons as most my systems are comprised of many smaller files which XFS isn't great for. But the usage I've had with it, it's been great

EXT4 is always my go-to for normal usage. Unless I need to be supporting older machines then it's ext2/3.

Just not using Firefox...

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Myself over NFS can have serious latency issues. Some software can't correctly file lock over NFS too which will cause write latency or just full blown errors.

iSCSI drops however can be really really bad and cause full filesystem corruption. Also backing up iSCSI volumes can be tricky. Software will likely work better and feel happy however and underlying issues may be masked until they're unfixable. (I had an iSCSI volume attached to vmware silently corrupt for months before it failed and lost the data even though all scrubs/checksums were good until the very least moment).

You can make your situations with with either technology, both are just as correct. Would get a touch more throughput on iSCSI simply down to the write confirmation being drive based and not filesystem locks / os based.


Maybe a corrupt download/copy of a library.... Try a reinstall of say glibc ?

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I use the standard system syslog with logrotate every 7 days with 1 month of gzip archive.

However on production systems, I run a central rsyslog server which archives once a week and a year of archives. Considering ELK in the future but for simple retention syslog is fine.

Why does gerboa have scroll arrows at the bottom of the screen in comment sections??

I thought they were up/down votes until you pointed it out... I actually think I like it being scroll...

Because you can compile parts out of many programs and suites; you can also change dependencies, such as never including audio support or MP3 libs for anything. Sure it means no sound but if you're on a system without speakers then it's no real loss and you've reduced your attack surface.

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Yes 🤣🤣

I can confirm works for at least the last 7 years of the entire XPS range and the last 3 years of the latitude range.

Also you can update via the bios/uefi using a usb drive anyway, just pop the exe on and pick that.

Statping-ng has had some updates beyond the base.

Snorkeling is probably your best choice as it did show latency overall and not just up/down.