
1 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i'd love to hear what they threatened him with as this doesnt read like he had any choice

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nothing more agonizing than listening to people with no knowledge about how 3d models or how games in general work talking about "ai generated games" or ripped models

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ask him what he thinks of circumcion without consent at young age and I bet he will defend that without hesitation

I'm sure russians will achieve that air superiority any day now...

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just talk about unions in non union job and you will be gone fast

you dont need useless nft tech for that to be possible

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EA is just a gaming company releasing yearly mtx shitboxes for whales while FIFA is global level corruption fuckfest with actual influence

These are not comparable

definitely indication of "we dont want to pay our 20-year veteran staff what they deserve"

almost /nottheonion material with the post about permission forms for teens to watch kids movies in school next to this one

it also saves the company time and money when youre working and not sick at home doing nothing

especially for regions with developing middle class and a lot of people like india and china, rapid mass automation could crash the economy when local buying power disappears

we would get nuked immedietely, and not undeservedly

firing up godot felt nice, no logins or other bullshit

who the hell thought it was a good idea to have the speaker role not just be a neutral person who manages debate procedures in the house?

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they just have to unveil some new shiny tools to convert from unity to unreal and unity is kill

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this is the kind of shit all authoritans dream of: complete control over everyones lives and forcing people into their information bubble to solidify power

so watch out who you vote for or shit could go downhill fast

these types of mods are posted in bad faith to generate controversy so its not surprising when they get removed

bold move by the corpse of bungie to believe anyone cares about a multiplayer-only marathon like 25 years after the last game

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quite a dick move for them to see it to be popular enough to continue re-releasing but not translate it for other regions

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lot of dumbass small businesses using it when they should have a website

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probably cheaper to print with blood than to use HP printers

looks like there are few reasons for the outrage

  1. they deleted daily challenges which were reworked like a year ago and replaced it with this worse implementation (these gave lots of xp, not anymore)
  2. this is the main content update for the month?
  3. they promised to listen for feedback, but in true jagex fashion they ignore all mtx related feedback
  4. battle pass comes with buffs for some content which may spiral out of control as time goes on
  5. the game has sub fee, loot boxes, store and a battle pass which is fuckton of monetisation for less content updates than 10 years ago
  6. battle pass is LONG grind to get everything, and its probably limited time only

better to block their goods form the market if they refuse to allow others to compete in theirs

cant sell your goods or software in china without local business taking cuts and trade secrets? well bad luck now you cant do business in the west either until you drop that shit

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many senior personel left after skyrim and fallout4 without making any headlines so its nothing new

seems to be the favoured deflection strategy of gaming companies after the management attempts something controversial and you want to gain some sympathy instead

guess the new fact checkers are outside twitter but defending musks honour instead

only reimagination dice seems to do these days is trying to find ways to monetise instead of making a fun game

see: their battle royale fail, 6v6 mode they wasted time on that didnt even release, heroes in 2042, battle passes

nothing more infuriating than people slurping liquids or noodles as loud as they can

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social media sites give 0 fucks about properly moderating anything but popular euro languages

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the idiots who engineered the killswitch and didnt whistleblow should get some too

they saw palworld and enshrouded and knew they couldnt compete

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these types of comments are worth nothing when you are selling a fresh product and you are studio lead

they will police deepfakes just as well as phishing and scams

dump the .txt file to the desktop for easy removal by user

loudest free speech proponents are 100% of the time bad faith actors who want to spread alternative facts type shit

eventually they turn into communities like voat or /convervative where dissent is banned/soft banned, or they defend shit such as /jailbait or antivax

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and discord will perform their own major enshittification stunt sooner or later

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I wonder if theres any way to pre emptively stop them from taking over activitypubs development and direction

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these authoritan regimes are incapable of having foreign allies, always ready to fuck over their neighbours for their own short term internal gains

well they dealt in malware, perhaps they wanted the evidence to be easy to delete in case law enforcement decided to visit

its time to start filtering search results to pre-2020 only or all you get is garbage

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