8 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They're required to use a garbage app, but they're also not willing to drop their favorite browser. No choice but to compromise.

a missed opportunity to name it Jemmy

I'm just here for the joke

EDIT: sentence structure


maybe update your link to point to the correct post. The link you have is a post on a kbin instance which doesn't have the full details, so i need to click again

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LibRedirect for me, works well on both desktop and android

are we there yet



Wondering if future plan of LW admins is to switch to Sublinks once it becomes stable?

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Enshitification is at phase 2

video player in linux. I think VLC can also do that

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Can you list a few of them?

oh really? yeah lets do this! I still have Slide installed on my phone, excited for Lemmy version

hmm the site is not loading for me, i'm from the Philippines if that matters. It just keeps on loading. Will try again

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english is not my first language, maybe I should've used a different phrase but my context is recent events

Unlike lemmy comments always hating zuck, its refreshing to see comments like this being grateful with meta

When you say free, as in totally free that you can send and receive anytime even without a plan? Or you mean free because it is already included in your prepaid or postpaid plan?

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how much did you earn now?

Can i steal your... face

i think they tested it which worked fine, but it is totally different when there are users online

wow you're posting this from frendica? do you see my comment? i know mastodon can see lemmy post but not up-to-date. Is it the same in frendica?

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Now, if you’re wondering why Boston Dynamics is saying “it’s time for our **hydraulic **Atlas robot to kick back and relax,” rather than just “our **Atlas **robot,” and if you’re also wondering why the video description ends with “take a look back at everything we’ve accomplished with the Atlas platform “to date,” well, I can’t help you. Some people might attempt to draw some inferences and conclusions from that very specific and deliberate language, but I would certainly not be one of them, because I’m well known for never speculating about anything.


i imagine OP is superman holding the smartphone to take this pic

How about an old macbook air 11in?

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hmmm new perspective in clicking, thanks for enlightening me sempai

I expect these companies will still be on top even if they made phones repairable. Like for example, you can only buy parts from official store or else phone will not work

Expectation vs Reality

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KDE because it looks like Windows? So gamers will have a familiar interface instead of Gnome

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agree, this is not a "hit 2 birds with 1 stone" situation

I mean it's too early to trust anyone with this new technology

App for Mastodon?

thanks foe the update. im curious if the federation issue is with friendica or lemmy

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First thing comes to mind is app integration with vision pro. I guess web app is not native enough for what they want to achieve

It's not hockey if there's no fight

Thanks. Macbooks are really good builds. Wondering how long a 10yo Air will last if I bought one today?

Dont know about the downvotes, but its a good one

I mean if brawling in an NBA game is normal then I would not find it weird in NHL. Different sports have different rules. I get that but fighting in-game? This doesn't happen in other sports (at least in NBA, football). If players started punching, refs (and/or the court security guard if necessary) will stop the fight right away.

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