Teams apparently can't call when using Firefox to – 362 points –

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Teams apparently can't call when using Firefox

Teams also doesn't support multiple "work" accounts, so I had to boot up a laptop to accept the call. 🤷


Exactly, this is how Microsoft operates. This time they gave an excuse they still allow plenty of other browsers (with the same engine). Google loves it, because it hurts Firefox and they can say they are not responsible for 3rd parties blocking sites.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is coordinated based on lessons learned with IE.

As a bonus it gives companies that want to use or allow Firefox a reason to use Google Workspace because Google Meet works perfectly on Firefox.

If they want to use Firefox, wouldn't they also want to use a FOSS meeting software?

My org actually uses both, as well as Slack. We use:

  • Teams - most meetings
  • Meet - some meetings w/ outside orgs
  • Slack - 1:1 and small group, impromptu meetings

I use the Teams and Slack apps, and Meet in the web.

people using user agent switcher so they can use bullshit like teams probably introduces errors into the statistics so microsoft can claim most users use chromium anyway.

They're required to use a garbage app, but they're also not willing to drop their favorite browser. No choice but to compromise.

A good user agent switcher should support per-site settings.

Does it work if you change your user agent?

Could be using experimental APIs Chrome has, there are plenty of them.

This is the issue with one giant browser. They can make the "spec" what ever they want without any consideration of other browsers.

Teams is shit in any form. Slowest app to launch on my M2 MacBook Pro, but it’s what we use where I work so I have no choice.

Should be better with v2, normally. V1 uses electron and an old angular version which both were slow as fuck and used a shit ton of resources. I also think electron doesnt support the arm platform yet? (citation needed).

Anyway, v2 uses react and a better webapp engine to run as an app so it should be faster. Not surprised if it still ran as shit though haha

They don't support Linux applications, they don't support the main Linux browser. They don't want you to use Linux

Except WSL

Extend and Extinguish. Why move when you can just usr our WSL? Get used to it, get reliant on it. Then we'll fuck you over.

Teams is very bugged...

I do teams meetings all the time.

The issue is just for 1 on 1 phone calls, meetings seem to work fine.

Yeah, I can get into meetings with Firefox, as I did yesterday.