1 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

test sad

Less of a rant, more of a rave.

Cool upgrade for hobbiests.

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This comes back to bite you when you purchase in-flight wifi which is tied to your MAC address. Make sure to disable that option for the in-flight access point!

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Depending on how old it is it may be a good space heater.

One good thing to come of this (hopefully) is the chance to clear the C Suite people from AKB. I hope all of the AKB employees get what they deserve, which is a new set of higher ups that aren't sexist dickbags.

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have the tracking when I actually want it.

So never? I agree defaulting it would be great as long as it doesn't falsely remove anything.

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qBitTorrent is one of the standard clients.

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I'll believe it when I see it.

Even in Norway (home to a fuck load of EVs) I am using Tesla chargers for my non-Tesla on vacation.

I tried to use a hand full of other brands but they required apps and accounts that required a Norwegian citizen ID or Norwegian phone number to sign up.

Absolutely insane that it's not just a tap to pay on the terminal.

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Link to the video I stead of some filler article.

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Firefox doesn't black out the screen on windows like Chrome does.

Best I can do is 8 seconds.

Remember how staticy CRTs were? Or the loud hum as it booted up?

Or even the picture growing and warming up or shrinking down to the middle when you turned it off.

Also putting a magnet up against the glass!

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Yeah definitely no way install bombing could be bad.

Definitely don't write a script that cycled your MAC address and installs a game you hate 100 times a day.

This is a great boon for open, module hardware.

Now gut the boys club C Suite from ABK and help the thousands of employees.

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This man nailed "dentist lobby music"

American here and is seems from headlines that Australia suffers a lot the same brain dead schemes that we do.

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Unraid appreciation comment!

FWIW common libraries like ffmpeg and what not can contain bugs which video files could potentially abuse and exploit.

Is that a common risk? Probably not. But image libraries have been known to have such exploits.

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One of the best things I did for my git usage was ditch a gui like SourceTree.

It's far too easy for it to run an action that is actually running a series of commands under the hood and have git get stuck in the middle somewhere.

I still use gui tools (git extensions) for staging and reverting, but everything else is cli.

I really hope the flying mechanics are more fluid than NMS but they look similarly hokey.

Honestly a large part of my nostalgia was scouring the Minecraft wifi for updates and recipes.

Rule 1: don't dig straight down.

Rule 2: the first night must always be hiding in a dirt hole.

Can I make it the default?

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I was curious so I checked on one of my clients. I have a few with a few different settings but this is my oldest still running.

Gwynne Shotwell does not get enough main stream credit for keeping SpaceX (and Musk) afloat. She's OP.

TV OS 17 adds VPN support.

To be fair that's what actually early playtest are for.

"Beta" and "early access" are so abused these day.

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Big fan of unRAID, glad the top license stays lifetime (for now anyways).

One hopes that this revenue improves development times.

The perfect poster for any game jam!

The world would be a better place without Murdoch media.


How has no on said this yet.


Booting Halo was my go-to for like 10 years as the first three games came out. Literally 10s of thousands of hours.

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This was an internal email, not a PR comment.

We all know he has a gold sword somewhere in his house.

Pretty sure this is referring to platform exclusives and not next-gen consoles.

Seriously? Have any links?

That sounds like some Qatar shit.

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That's so funny because Stranger Things is also what came to mind when reading this post.

I was a 90s kid and I think the show just made me nostalgic of being a kid.

Still better than SharePoint.