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Joined 3 months ago

I'm of the mindset that you bought the domain you can do with it as you please. Where I think you'd get into "trouble" is if you were talking about piracy or something associated with their IP.

And the best possible outcome is they contact you and buy it for some much larger amount than you paid for it.

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I work for a small dev company. We have no idea what other silos are working on. Only 1-2 people at the very top have some sort of inkling.... Maybe.

In a company that large.. I don't doubt that projects get filed under a very large encompassing epic (or the equivalent for what ever scrum software they are using) and not overly discussed with the business majors / marketing people that are the c-level people now.

Maybe he didn't realize that Milwaukee was Algonquin for the good land.

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That would be a great sign for an abortion rally.

Well I mean he's an immigrant. What are we supposed to do? Provide insurance to immigrants?!?!

Crazy talk!

I'd say obviously/s but this day and age you never can tell. :(

That's all Google discover is on my phone... Ai generated articles that are just click bait.

is a new episode of RandomShow airing tonight?

Star Trek 31 confirmed to feature major tng character (from today)


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That's why I'm here!

Not to mention the whataboutism.
My dad...

Djt got convicted... But Bidens economy... And Ukraine. Not to mention that judge in the trial ..

Like faux news talking points regurgitated.

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I once read

we as a society work 40+ hours a week . Spend little to no time doing the things we love. It's a struggle every day. And because we are in this constant state of "grind" we shop for items that give us temporary happiness.

We are meat in a meat grinding machine from early age to nearly death. No one consented to it... It just is. So spend that $5 or that $1500 on something that gives you happiness. Because at the end of it all.. it's the ride that matters not where you end up.

It also needs to be said... We are a culture of consumerism. We all must buy and buy and buy to keep the economy afloat. So the game has been rigged to make you want to spend.

Good luck op

I can't wait to buy this on PC in 2028.................

I wish it was /s

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Preach on man... I feel the same way. If microshit bought Valve, I'd never buy another thing on the platform. And you could effectively forget Linux gaming as well.

Trash guides.

That'll get you sorted.

The arrs are amazing

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They gerrymandered Nashville a couple of years ago breaking 160 years of"tradition" because the state of Tennessee could not stand having a blue state capital.

And it's not like the blue voters in Nashville could turn this state purple even.. But the elected officials in the capital were so petty they just could not let it be blue

Nothing like making sure whole swaths of your population isn't represented by their elected officials


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Sitting in a meeting right now....

This is such a an accurate comment.

Cable installer guy came to the house one time... Hooked up internet and asked me if I was going to Torrent or not. I had no idea what he was talking about as this was 2005.

Did some googling canceled my cable subscription and I never looked back.

Got off the The seas when Netflix was big... And then all that changed again..

So here we are again.

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My stuff is named after planets / ships in Star wars.

Server is coruscant

Desktop is malastare

Laptop is anaxes

Portable hard drives are ships

That reminds me.. I need to renew my ñortõn antiviral softwares for $499.99

You guys did good work there.

Man this is the way.. I just started fo4. Got the bundle with all dlc for like $30.

2 days later got the massive patch.

And if runs on Linux.. patient gaming is the best way


Lmao I mean I knew it was going go be bad .. but that's so hilariously awful.

There's a company in Brentwood Tennessee and online that rents very expensive camera lenses.

So you can borrow a $3000 lens for say $200 for a week.

The "brainworm population" is under represented in modern politics.

Gerrymandering ruins everything lol

I think that since you have to be 35 to run. We should have a max age... ~70 or with in 20 years of the average age of vote eligible adults, which ever is lower.

But that's apparently crazy talk.

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If you and I have an interaction that leaves us both happy, that's socialism and GOPJesus frowns on socialism.

It has the multi pass to everyone's heart.

This whole channel is amazing.

I suggest "rubbin and tuggin my nips" it is a quality listen.

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I had a really positive interaction with a mod on a NSFW instance. I commented on how I thought the dude was working in an unsafe manner...

I wasn't banned! If this has been reddit I would have been banned and told to Fuck off.

It's nice to have a place to go that'll engage in conversation and education when needed.

Three. But yes they did. There's some really major bullshit going on in the state house of Tennessee.

That's because some folks think you can pray it away..

Futurama tried to warn us.

Cries in metro Nashville

I feel ya man

At a bdsm club.

Spotted her across the way. She spotted me when I struck up a conversation with the boyfriend of her bff.

Here we are 6 years later married.

Good times.

That movie has a 29% rotten tomato rating..

How the fuck?

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I have a copy of sg-1.

It's in widescreen, 1080p , the audio is from the Blu-ray and the video is an upscaled release.

My server crashed as I was in the middle.of my rewatch and so I jumped over to prime to continue as I rebuilt my server.

It's in 4:3, maybe 720p, horribly dark. Audio was recorded on two cans and a string and it has advertisements.

I couldn't watch it. It was such a painful experience.

Thanks for this. I'd not heard of soulseek. I'm an *arr person with Usenet. It'll be nice to see if I can find some rare / missing items.

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Folks will say arch.

But honestly any modern Linux system with 3rd party drivers will work. Mint pop_os arch Manjaro Debian Ubuntu etc

I'm running a 1660 and an i5 64xx on kubuntu 24.04 Granted that stuff is older but you'll have the same experience.

Unless you're running the absolute bleeding edge... You'll not have a lot of problems.

*Ymmv of course but majority of folks won't have issues.

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Man for real.