Jon Stewart Tackles Biden’s Age, Anti-Woke Culture at Netflix Is a Joke Show to politics – 171 points –
Jon Stewart Tackles Biden’s Age, Anti-Woke Culture at Netflix Is a Joke Show

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I think that since you have to be 35 to run. We should have a max age... ~70 or with in 20 years of the average age of vote eligible adults, which ever is lower.

But that's apparently crazy talk.

OK, but what’s the cut off? What if we say it’s 70. But someone would turn 70 on the last year that they are president. And let’s say it’s the second term for example. So then what? they’re completely not allowed to run Because the last month that they are 69 years old, they would turn 70 and his term would be slightly longer than that. Or the reverse, someone is running at 34 but would turn 35 Just prior to becoming president, assuming he would win. Also, some people at age 70 are doing fantastic, and some have a lot of health problems. Some with those health problems are still mentally sharp, and some without health problems can be mental declined due to say dementia. So I think that is a little more complicated than just setting arbitrary limits. Last comment, our life spans are getting longer and longer… So then what? If it eventually needs to be extended, that also would become a huge debate.

Just make it 70 or less on they day of inauguration, should they win.