AOCapitulator [they/them]

@AOCapitulator [they/them]
0 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste

People thought the same thing about written language, that it would ruin everyone's memory cause they could just write things down and wouldn't have to go through the honorable effort of rembering everything

Although, to be fair, they didn't have capitalism then so our similar worries might be more well founded lol

The Bible

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TIL thanks for the heads up o7

we were being racist very calmly and politely!

Go eat some grass nerd

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Restaurants being rated with “Michelin stars” was created as a ploy to encourage people to buy cars and drive more to go on road trips to these restaurants so they’d wear through more tires and have to buy more

*Edited because I was a bit off base

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This is a bit like asking if we could build a flashlight that emits a beam of darkness I think

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can someone please explain why the word rule appears in titles so often ohnoes

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Who hurt you?

Homelessness, and by extension, rent


Exclusively based on vibes and lies/media presentation. It's just manufactured concensus, we teach 9 year Olds that it's freedom VS authoritarian capitalism VS communism

It's just bullshit, capitalist countries are authoritarian as fuck

The abolition of money

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The only good take on China

If someone without a website in their name and who has pronouns displayed says some weird shit 95/100 times it’s ironic

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There is no electoral solution to the accelerating depravity of this evil and crumbling Empire

Pirating things is good, paying for them is bad

Money isn’t real

You have nothing to lose but your chains

Breaking the instances stereotype a tad

when approached in good faith, 90%+ of Hexbears will level with you

When NOT approached in good faith (90% of the time) we don't react as well

Jesus Christ, you need help

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No way, not in a million years

We don’t need fancy code contracts to own stuff, downloading exists. It’s just an even more hair brained extension of IP copyright and other systems that only exist under capitalism

Theoretically yes, but they’re set up in such a way so that there’s always a work around or technicality or means testing that, in reality, means that poor, marginalized, disabled/ neurodivergent people, or non-English speakers are basically totally fucked

I was born in it, Molded by it

I hate America

It’s because the ratio of liberals to communists/ actual leftists who give a shit about not being racist has changed quite a bit since then

Thanks for the assist o7

It’s brigaiding when people you don’t like comment on posts that everyone can see on the website we all use

Big brain take right here

Remember, emojis are bugged so that ppb is the size of the entire webpage for everyone but us

Do you want to try again or was that your best shot?

People who worry about “flexibility” are aliens to me

How are you in a material spot to just bounce around because you want to?

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Or they just hate all cars

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"yeah but I mean, if it feels good when I crack my own back , what if a guy who went to school for that did it, I bet it'd feel great!"

-poor dupe who thinks they're a real thing

of course no response /:

Fucking same boring interactions over and over, and never any follow through!

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My boy melon-musk?

I'd imagine that most worked for Nazi Germany under the threat of death or imprisonment

Certainly not these 1600 of the upper eschelon. Probably a few, sure, but most? Of these 1600 that the US went out of its way to save and coddle? Nah, the ones who had no choice were working class folks and even then not nearly most, the rest chose it. Especially those 1600. Not to mention nazi medical experiments did not yield anything of value that wouldn't have been obtained another way. They learned only how to inflict great suffering.

I find your example invalid

But lets pretend I don't. Let's pretend they DID make important discoveries that have saved millions of lives? No! What the fuck? No of course not!

I don't even understand your point here. I specifically don't respect these positions of power and the people who occupy them and use them to exploit others? That was what my post was ABOUT?

What are you talking about????

if you're legit and you want to grow and reflect, from now on in this thread, only ask questions and do not argue, digest what you read and learn for a while, and then you can argue like, tomorrow or whenever, if you still want to. anything else would be reactive and unhelpful for your growth, and likely result in you digging in and growing stubborn on the issue

For real, this is not going to be healthy if you keep posting at this rate, if you're being genuine

I was replying to your reply in another thread and thought Id check your post history only to see youre in like 5 interactions at once, thats now how you self crit or reflect chief

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You don't have to fix everything right this second, in fact trying to is likely to break everything worse. If you really do reflect and grow here, you will be welcomed and encouraged, but not if you go down swinging on a hill you "felt a strong need to defend". I am not saying that in any way disparagingly, I've been there. You may not be wrong for feeling this way, but acting on it may very well be a mistake in retrospect

If you decide to take my advice, edit your post here to say: I've been given a lot to reflect on, I'm going to disengage and do that" or similar (include the word disengage though) and then no one will pile on, and may even reach out

I want to know how to say that too please

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Probably a federation bug

And a reminder that Biden, supported by the dems including “good” politicians like AOC (lol) smashed the rail strike just this year

It’s bad folks

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That one futurama episode where bender is floating in space and he gets hit with a meteor and tiny life evolves on him and then they annihilate themselves with nukes

I want to play that game

There’s lots of god box games but they never get it right, they’re either civ builders or map sims, the tech advancement and interactions etc are just shadows of the mechanics they could have, and the best ones never let them get nukes and have nuclear wars >;(