What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

🇵🇸 Free Palestine 🇵🇸@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 3142 points –

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Jesus Christ, you need help

North Korea has the world’s worst human rights, so when they made it sound like only one country had this issue, that was my guess. I’m in North America and never experienced what is described. Unless I’m wrong to have even the amount of faith required to believe there are no North Korea denialists here.

North Korea has the world’s worst human rights

You understand propaganda like a fish understands water

When I say that, I'm going by every regular source that ever existed, plus satellite images, its near-impossible standards for leaving or entering, its lack of internet access (who here has seen anyone who is actually from North Korea), and the fact that the average North Korean adult is only five feet tall, with height being an indicator of health (the taller the healthier). What do you weigh against it that inspires you to posit it's all just propaganda and hearsay? Other hearsay (as opposed to a conflict within the narrative you oppose)?

I say that, I'm going by every regular source that ever existed

"regular source" citations-needed

its near-impossible standards for leaving or entering

did you know these are imposed on them externally? their policy is that they love tourists. here's a video of a couple of australian tourists enjoying themselves there. the reason americans can't go there is because the US forbids it.

its lack of internet access (who here has seen anyone who is actually from North Korea),

it's a country under brutal siege for its entire history. yes, they're poor. whose fault is that?

Regular sources as in MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Wikipedia, etc. sources that are the most established, enough that they're among the top 500 websites and that they show up on the first page of a Google search. Not to mention a random source is going to have random origins, trust in a source has to be earned and even with trusted sources you must compare and contrast them sometimes.

The restrictions for leaving and entering have not been imposed on them externally, this attitude of Korea predates even the Roman empire so external factors wouldn't have been possible as a cause, even though it's undeniable there are nations that have restricted anyone from going there. Japan used to be the same way at different points in history, though for the time being they're open to everyone.



The restrictions for leaving and entering have not been imposed on them externally, this attitude of Korea predates even the Roman empire so external factors wouldn't have been possible as a cause


come back when you can form a coherent thought

In what way is it not coherent? Am I supposed to communicate almost wholly in pictures like you’re doing instead of links (it should be noted your pictures appear as transparent blocks either due to the defederstion settings or a glitch thereof).

Apologies if my semantics/grammar are too loose, as English is not my first language (it’s always hard translating Asiatic languages into English), though an online grammar checker said it was fine.

we are having a conversation about a country which has existed for less than 100 years why the fuck are you talking about the roman empire and the joseon dynasty

Apologies if my semantics/grammar are too loose

your grammar is fine, it is the content of your posts which is utterly useless.

It has existed at various times throughout history in different forms and even aspects of the state ideology such as Cheondoism are simply modern manifestations of ancient tradition. There is nothing new about it or its cultural attitudes, not if you ask the Chinese and not if you ask the later Christian missionaries who attempted to do anything there only to be punished for existence.

you have some very strange, very incorrect ideas about the DPRK built on a foundation of circular logic. please start de-propagandizing yourself with that video i linked earlier, it's a very good one.

Based on a video of yours (which I did watch) or based on all the sources I gave (which are plenty and back my "foundation of circular logic")?

You linked two things. One of these is an article about literal ancient history, and the other is an article about three Christians who all lived and died long before the country we're discussing existed. Please, please explain to me how your "sources" are in any way relevant to the topic at hand.

Your circular logic is as follows: The DPRK is isolationist. We know it's isolationist because they don't let people in. We know they don't let people in because they're isolationist. No, I won't pay any attention to the hard fact that they do, in fact, let people in, and that it is in fact their enemies who do not let people into their country.

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Regular sources as in MSNBC, CNN, NPR,

Which often repeat unproven stories without fact-checking them, or spinning stories to suit their agenda.
How to make a story on North Korea

...as opposed to?

As opposed to not lying. You're welcome

I meant in terms of brand. You’re welcome.

Your question makes no sense bud.

It doesn’t make sense to inquire why a few things are singled out as dishonest when the entity in question is big media which takes a myriad of forms?

No, your question was
... As opposed to?

Which makes no fucking sense. Like it's a cute little snide smuglord gotcha that you can throw out, but what the fuck are you actually asking?

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source: yeonmi-park

The federation aspect of Lemmy is acting up again, the image won't show up for me except as a transparent block (I assume it's supposed to show something).

dang, unfortunate. it was an emote, a picture of famous North Korea liar/grifter Yeonmi Park, inventor of many truths such as: "North Koreans don't have a word for depression", "the word for friend is banned in North Korea", and (my favorite) "the trains in North Korea don't work so people have to push the trains wherever they go".

According to who?

Could it be, the United States? The most vicious and bloody empire the world has ever known?

That aside (like, wow, holy fuck)

If you could not recognize the earlier comments as an indication of western capitalism, you are rich or otherwise so privileged you cannot comprehend the struggles of the average person

Or maybe you're overreacting a little. I don't deny struggles such as those by the average person, but being unable to take care of one's health is not one of them. That's also why I answered "North Korea" to someone's assertion that there's a place where this is an issue. America allows people to take time away to recuperate, even for mental health, and has this thing called SSI for the chronically unhealthy.

America allows people to take time away to recuperate, even for mental health


Yeah tell that to the overworked service worker, or the many other people with two jobs. The fact that a comfortable white-collar dickhead can take time off, doesn't really mean much to me when every teacher, every driver, every railworker, every barista, chef, roadworker, janitor and every other prole is fucked

That sounds like a very forced generalization, especially considering that certain examples doesn’t disprove the whole of a practice that you originally said didn’t exist at all. I know people in all these fields who do this. I’ve been called into a psych ward before, proof it’s even systemically embedded or else that aspect of the system wouldn’t work.

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