2 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

It's not just a lawsuit, it's thermonuclear lawsuit! His lawyers better handle it carefully, lest they be blown into itty bitty pieces. Elon stopped maturing at about the age of fourteen.

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If I ever find myself as a defendant in a fraud trial, maybe I should try repeatedly insulting the judge, prosecutor, and clerk and calling them names, just to see what happens next. Wanna bet I'd find my ass in jail with a contempt charge? Every day, Trump shows there really is a two-tiered justice system.

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Tax cuts for the rich running up the deficit. The horribly botched COVID response. And the attempted coup. Not to mention all the other crap. Biden's right: our democracy is at stake. Check out Trump's statements and Project 2025. Tuberville is blocking military promotions for a reason, and it ain't abortion.

The article goes on to point out that DeSantis was shown Elon's comment and then still refused to condemn it. Rhonda's statement against antisemitism rings very hollow when he refuses to denounce antisemitism that's shown to him.

That's what she was hired for: to take the heat off the man baby. Glass cliff.

If Johnson can't herd the nutbags, that's not a failure because Johnson is a nutbag. Johnson won't cut a deal with the Democrats like McCarthy did. Johnson, like the rest of the nutbags, will crash the US government because that's the plan.

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Put "Cornel West says" at the start of the sentence so we can all ignore what follows.

I listened to him talking on a podcast. Not just satisfied with every conspiracy theory out there, the guy makes up new ones, for example that a mall in Arizona has underground passageways to facilitate the trafficking of children.

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Republicans want to rule, not govern. They have completely lost any respect for silly things like separation of powers and the will of the people. Republicans are the most serious threat to our democracy that the US has faced since the Civil War.

Toss his ass in jail while he awaits trial, just like what happens to regular schmucks who leak classified information.

Not a drag queen or a trans person--a priest

Hateful people sometimes get tired of hating scapegoats and take some time to hate each other. It's like high school mean girls picking one of their own off from the herd.

Biden needs to endorse breathing so Trump can urge his followers to hold their breath to fight the globalist menace of oxygen.

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He's flying a Christian nationalist flag because he's a Christian nationalist. Maya Angelou - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

Hmm, multiple bankruptcies and lawsuits, a $25 million fraud settlement, CFO caught criming, charity fraud, four separate trials...I'm starting to think Trump and company are hinky.

“When in History have the ones banning books been the good guys?” The answer is never, not once.

So where is the mob of MAGA patriots ready to storm the Capitol and run this guy out of town on a rail? Hello? taps mic Is this thing on?

So Media Matters doesn't reflect the user experience on Twitter? Cause I left Twitter because there was nothing but far-right propaganda on my feed. That was my user experience, Elon.

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LOL. There's a silicon valley bigwig jet tracker that I see pop up on my Reddit account, and I'm not even that interested in it.

"Lucifer in the flesh"--Ted's fellow Republican John Boehner. As Cruz’s former college roommate, Craig Mazin, once put it, “One thing Ted Cruz is really good at: uniting people who otherwise disagree about everything else in a total hatred of Ted Cruz.” George W. Bush: “I just don’t like the guy.” Bob Dole: “I don’t know how he’s going to deal with Congress. Nobody likes him.” John Boehner: “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.” Lindsey Graham: “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”

Hate on Biden all you want, but please vote for him. Trump is worse. Trump was behind moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Trump instituted a ban on travel to the USA from some (note some) Muslim majority countries. If Trump gets elected, expect Project 2025 to come to fruition.

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Republicans are just trying to show who can be more stupid and utterly unrealistic at this point. Pretty soon a Republican is going to propose blowing up the moon because it's woke.

" legal observers worry that the most serious tool the U.S. Constitution provides to rein in a public official is being misused as partisan weapon"

Dear legal observers: don't "worry," state the bloody obvious clearly. The House GOP has abused the most serious tool the U.S. Constitution provides to carry out a purely partisan attack.

Yep. And his cult can't wait for him to do it. They want blood.

“verging on climate denial” Verging? And this guy is the president of Cop28? Holy crap. Stick a fork in humanity, it's done.

32,000 more unwanted kids. I'm sure they'll have great lives. /s

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"a moderate candidate like him" A hard right "I got mine, fuck you!" Republican like him? A turncoat like him? A sellout like him? An utterly untrustworthy slimeball like him?

There are lots of these angry, stupid people. Some of them are at high levels of government--for example Clay Higgins. Democracy in the United States is in grave danger. Millions of Americans have abandoned reality and want bloody revenge on their perceived enemies.

Unfortunately, a lot of parents are in a far-right media bubble that tells them that public schools are teaching third graders about anal sex and trying to make every kid trans. And that any mention of racism is the dreaded CRT. The people with the money behind this propaganda want to eliminate public schools and put every American kid in a private Christian school.

Here's a pledge from a group of privately owned charter schools that RELY ON TAXPAYER MONEY. The head of the schools refuses to disclose his salary.

I pledge to keep myself healthy in body, mind, and spirit, staying physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.

I pledge to be truthful in all my works, guarding against the stains of falsehood from the fascination with experts, the temptation of vanity, the comfort of popular opinion and custom, the ease of equivocation and compromise, and from over-reliance on rational argument.

I pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds, with the courage to exemplify faith in my beliefs, hope for a better future, and charity towards my neighbor – with prudence in new undertakings, with justice when called on to judge, with fortitude in the face of adversity, and with temperance toward temptation.

I pledge to be obedient and loyal to those in authority, in my family, in my school, and in my community and country,

So long as I shall live.

The owner of these schools took a case all the way to the Supreme Court on the issue of whether he could require girls to wear skirts because girls are "fragile vessels."

Univision, which recently gave Trump airtime, has turned down Biden ads (and of course turned down equal airtime for Biden). Wanna bet this ad won't appear on Fox, OANN, Newsmax, or RSBN? I saw one interview with a MAGAt recently in which she said she gets all her news from Telegram.

As long as Trump can pay his lawyers (or Trump's friends can pay), expect stuff like this to happen. Those who can afford it get a different level of justice. See, e.g., Paxton in Texas. Compare that with all the poor saps who can't make bail and get locked up pending trial with only an overworked PD to help them.

What's the right word for her? Chump? Patsy? Fall girl? Scapegoat? Schnook? Apologist? Stool pigeon? Puppet? Mouthpiece?

"citing manipulation, disinformation, antisemitism and attacks on scientists, climatologists, women and liberals." That was my experience on Twitter before I quit it. "gigantic global sewer”--accurate

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I have a small truck, and its A pillar has blocked my view of pedestrians more than once. I have to move my head to check. With big vehicles, I imagine there's even more of a problem.

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As usual, Ted Cruz is lying. Not wrong: he knows almost all antisemitism comes from the right. Remember Charlottesville? Ted Cruz lies constantly.

I've committed adultery; I've slept with married people, and I had sex outside of my marriage. I've had sex with men and women, all outside of marriage. I've been to sex clubs and orgies. More than one three-way and one more-than-three-way. I've made and participated in porn. I've been to strip clubs. Based on my experience, I'd say depravity is on the whole pretty damn fun, and I recommend depravity to my fellow Americans, although if you want to be monogamous that's fine too.

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A few years back I remember bad cooking oil in Spain led to some very serious adverse health effects. Good on the police for catching the adulterated oil purveyors.

Article is short on details. So Belgium doesn't have birthright citizenship?

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If we can wipe out the passenger pigeon, we can surely wipe out some nice tasty pork.

I remember when it was six billion. Whole lotta fuckin going on. I did my part to slow down the train; I'm childless. Elon thinks I shouldn't get to vote.