Tall trucks, SUVs are 45% deadlier to US pedestrians, study shows

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 536 points –
Tall trucks, SUVs are 45% deadlier to US pedestrians, study shows

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I have a small truck, and its A pillar has blocked my view of pedestrians more than once. I have to move my head to check. With big vehicles, I imagine there's even more of a problem.

I ran over my friend in high school while driving a Ford Ranger. She is 5'1 but still, if her hands hadn't flopped up in the air I might've killed her. Worst part is, I'd just dropped her off.

Always need to be careful driving a big vehicle. Learned that the hard way.

Its actually the opposite, the bigger and boxy-er the vehicle, the bigger the windows and the less obstructions from bodywork. The added height also allows you to see much further away and over obstructions like lines of cars, stopped traffic, landscaping, etc. .