
1 Post – 214 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

No it was pure corruption the way it was. Congress is supposed to write the laws, and the Judicial Branch is supposed to interpret those laws, not the unelected federal bureaucracy.

Fookin' kneelers!

As someone who was on the internet before social media existed, please let it die in a fire.

Everything now is curated and cultivated by corporations and political entities to weed out any "unacceptable" discourse and content that doesn't support a particular agenda or narrative.

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They wouldn't need to 'improve' their search experience if they never enshittified the results page like 10 years ago.

Reddit crushed itself more than anything. Sure they ended the protest, but that place is a ghost-town now, all that's left are the bots and politcal propaganda pushers. Stale links that are several days old populate the front pages of the big subs.

I'm going to flip that back on them, Microsoft will have to pay me to update my OS.

That's one hell of an early Christmas present for everyone on earth.

If anything, they need to revert back to control panel.

Send Windows 11 and their stupid trusted computing initiative to the landfill instead.

I never left, because I'm not a sucker that fell for chromes marketing wank.

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I'm am seriously getting tired of having to buy, restore, and maintain antique devices/cars/electronics/etc just to get away from this cancerous "smart" tech shit that is infecting everything.

They could come up with some bullshit like, obstructing your screen is interfering with the display of critical airplane safety information or something.

When seconds count police are only minutes away not coming to save you.

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I have a sudden urge to order egg fried rice every November 25th.

Politicians making smoking cool again with this one stupid trick.

I'd be more worried about finding which foreign governments and or intelligence agencies are using these extremist groups as proxies to sow dissent and division in the west, and cutting them off.

Its currently cheaper for me to collect used laserdiscs, dvds, and blurays. People are dumping physical media, and its a firesale. Its cheaper to own it than 'renting' it on a streaming service.

This, never do business with Wells Fargo.

Protip: don't ever get diagnosed with a mental illness.

Prior to the internet that was the best way to get it.

I can't imagine what the older generations were doing out there with stacks of Playboys, but I'm sure glad they didn't care about leaving them out there for us to find.

You're literally right it does look crazier, but that is almost entirely because of how our mass media and cancerous 24/hr news cycle work.

If you turn your TV off and go outside, reality does not match what you see on TV, or worse, read on the internet.

The "crazy" is generally confined and limited to fringe elements that get 1000x the attention and signal boosting than normal people do.

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All medical decisions should be between a patient and their doctor, and governments and corporations should have no say in it nor have the ability to use force or coercion to effect any medical decisions.

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Bethesda manages just fine, they even let the modding community fix their bugs.

For PC I'd say 1999-2010 was absolutely amazing time to be a gamer. PC parts were dirt cheap, you could overclock the hell out of your hardware, and micro-transactions and pay-to-win didn't exist.

Should just end Windows 11 instead.

Shouldn't even be illegal, bring on the MEGA SHEEP

pfff... I'm going back to Windows XP Pro x64 Edition.

Forget streaming, physical media is ripe for hoarding right now. Thrift stores, antique malls, junk stores, etc can't give this stuff away. Even 4k blurays on amazon are deeply discounted right now.

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Just give me back the results from the 00's era of google. They need to go backwards not ""forwards"".

Everyone should leave that instance, the admin and the mods on that instance are big time thought police and will find excuses in their vague rules to delete your posts and eventually ban you if your views go against the grain.

That lifetime subscription I bought ages ago sure is nice!

Make tires out of ground up bureaucrats, they're organic and biodegradable, and there's an endless supply of them.

This whole thing feels like a giant money pocketing scam. They shouldn't have shut it down in the first place.

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This is a problem no one actually wants to fix, all political sides and their corporate owners benefit from a massive influx of migrants illegal or otherwise. The only people paying the price is the working class, which the ruling class has no problems shitting all over.

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Imagine where we'd be if leftists embraced nuclear power instead of killing it off everywhere they could.

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Every year the value of our money goes down because the government keeps printing more of it like its a cocaine addiction (This is on top of prices going up for other reasons as well).

Unless you're getting huge raises every year you're never going to get ahead, and if you're getting nothing, you're actually losing money.

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AK-47s coming from the US??? Yeah I'm just going to have to stop you right there, that is complete nonsense.

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Come on bottom 2/3rds you're slacking off!

He sounds a lot like Bethesda

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I hear them all the time... It's deer hunting season.