Solar modules deployed in France in 1992 still provide 75.9% of original output power to – 1089 points –
Solar modules deployed in France in 1992 still provide 75.9% of original output power

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Imagine where we'd be if leftists embraced nuclear power instead of killing it off everywhere they could.

Here in Italy, the only parties that seem to be favorable to nuclear are right-wing.

And of course, they got elected and didn’t actually do anything towards it.

Never trust right-wingers to do literally anything.

If a right wing party promises to take all the money from the rich and redistribute it to the poor, they're lying.

If a right wing party promises to invest in public transit, they're lying.

If a right wing party promises to pass a law enshrining LGBTQ rights, they're lying.

They're just a bunch of fucking liars, all they exist for is to make rich people richer.

Oh, I trust them to do everything I wouldn’t like them to do.

For example, so far they’ve been following through with removing LGBTQ rights and lowering taxes for the rich, just as they promised.

I'd like to specifically blame the vocal greens and not left or center left people in general.

Me too. Fuck the Greens. Joke political party in so many ways. Even if I lived under a system where First Past the Post voting wasn't the norm, I'd be looking for parties other than the Greens.

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