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Joined 1 years ago

For $250000 I'm totally fine with him showing me his penis. Unfortunately I think he won't be interested now that consent is given though. ☹️

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As a developer I can only say: no matter how foolproof you make your product, you will always encounter that one special user.

Why YSK: there are times when you need to not be stinky. A multi-day outing with friends staying in one house comes to mind.

Sorry, I have a hard time coming up with reasons why you should not be stinky in such a case. Do you have a toilet in the middle of the living room on outings? Otherwise who cares? Shit stinks, perfectly normal, absolutely no reason to hide that. People should stop being ashamed for bodily functions instead of medicating them away.

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Also, the shape has horrible aerodynamics. If it had a combustion engine, they couldn't sell it in large parts of the world due to fuel efficiency.

I doubt it will get a type approval in Europe anyway, seems absolutely no consideration for pedestrian safety has been given. If this thing is as stiff and solid as Musk said it was it is also going to fail miserably during crash testing. Having been in a car crash this weekend I can testify how crumple zones save lives. Good thing the whole "but it's a light truck" loophole they used in the US isn't going to fly here.

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No. I'm exercising my Musk-given right of ultimate free speech and will continue calling it Twitter, just because I feel like it. Musk would be proud of me standing up against censorship. Oh wait..

Imagine being all worked up about books mentioning raging obscenities like 'butt' and 'fart', only to get slapped in the face by Judge 'Wiener'. 😂

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Well, another game I won't be playing in that case. Fortunately my backlog is large enough to keep me busy for the next couple of years, so I feel no need to play every new title. But still: my wallet thanks Sony for making the choice for me.

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When encountering an aggressive shopping cart, remember:

Shoot off a limb and they're still 86% combat effective. Here's a tip: Aim for the nerve stem and put it down for good..

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I feel like I'm reading a conversation between Walter White and Walter Bishop here.

A little tutorial for you:

It helps if the people in charge are artists whom just want to create something unique, without too much thought on all the intricacies of running a company in real life.

Also exclusively using custom-made parts instead of using off-the-shelf parts that have proven themselves time and again, is a great way to not be able to leverage the costs and reliability benefits of mass production.

So now that you've ended up with the situation of high operating costs, you also end up with a lot of issues due to your fancy custom designed components breaking down within warranty. And it gets even better: because regular bikeshops cannot handle warranty cases, as they do not have the necessary training or components, you need a large number of in-house mechanics that only cost you money instead of helping you earn it!

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Periodic, versioned and tested backups.

It absolutely, totally, never ever happened to me that I had a bunch of backups available that turned out to be effectively unrestorable the moment I needed them. 😭

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Same here. This morning I've removed my ten years worth of content from Reddit as I don't want them to even generate the slightest bit of revenue from it, removed my account and do not feel bad about it in the slightest.

I'm done with the way Reddit handles the community feedback and done with the "don't you dare to have a differing opinion or we'll downvote to oblivion" mentality that prevailed in a number of subreddits.

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This has nothing to do with Lenovo perse, this is the average experience for every laptop I've owned which had Secure Boot turned on.

You know what is fun? Having your Dell basically bricking because Fedora starts shipping a new version of shim-x64 which completely fails the UEFI handover to bootloader. Leaving you unable to boot at all, so no chance of reaching rescue mode. Then more fun times of booting a live environment from a usb stick after going through the same hoops you went through, finding out how to decrypt your BTRFS partitions, manually mounting and chrooting them so you can finally downgrade the offending package.

Linux and Secure Boot just isn't a great combination if you ask me.

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Explain 'security nightmare'? Most security issues I've seen were caused by stuff like passing user input directly to database queries, instead of using prepared statements. Or allowing directory traversals, again by not sanitising user input. That's on the developer, not the language.

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Just give me an Unreal Engine 5 remake of the original Unreal (no, not Tournament) and I'll be a happy man.

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I read so much in my youth, I could read cover to cover in one go thanks to the power of hyperfocus. Reading was fun and synergised greatly with my ADD-fueled daydreaming.

Unfortunately though high school came along and had to fuck up my intrinsic motivation by force feeding the boomer drivel that 'everybody should have read in their lives', and having to write book reports where you'd have to analyse those books to death. Assignments could vary from analysing all the different narrative arcs in the story to the relationship between each main character in the story and even more obscure stuff that I don't even (want to) remember.

Anyway, this meant reading the 'classic' Dutch writers like Reve, Mullisch, Wolkers etc and then analysing a story you didn't even care about. Fun fact: those writers seem to have an extremely limited repertoire: do you want to read about addiction, WWII, or sex? Ok ok, you had 'het Gouden Ei' by Krabbé, on which the movie 'the Vanishing' was based. Guess that was a breath of less stale air.

But in the end it sucked the enjoyment I felt when reading from my very soul and replaced it with the feeling that reading books is a chore. At times a slight shimmer of that old spark returns, but never for long. Depending on how often I feel like reading, getting through a book usually takes me months to years these days and rarely captures me like in the past. I'll never forgive the sadistic bastards who came up with this part of our educational system.

Anyway, sorry for dumping this on you, turned out to be more of a rant than I initially intended. If anybody knows how to convince my brain to consider reading to be fun again, I welcome any insights.

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Ironically the kid looks like he is saying his last tearful goodbyes to a tree that is about to be cut down to make room for a bunch of billboards..

I'm not American, so I could be wrong, but wasn't it something about a well-regulated militia?

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All fine that you think a kink is weird or don't understand it. There are enough kinks out there that wouldn't be appealing in the least to me as well. But as long as we are talking about an consensual act and no real harm is done, either communicate those thoughts in a respectful way or keep them to yourself.

Telling somebody it is fucked up that they enjoy or masturbate to something that is done consentually and that they are disgusting for it, is nothing more than kink-shaming. Calling it harassment might be a bit much, but that you received some backlash (if you'll pardon the pun) seems to be warranted in this case.

Thanks, I know my way around the high seas should the need arise. But I can't play every game out there anyway, so as long as I can get my gaming needs satisfied through non-shittified legal means I prefer that.

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The opposite is true for the tiny arms. The arms are not tiny because it's beneficial for them to be that small. They're tiny because there's no reason for them to be big.

It is theorised that it might actually have been an advantage to have smaller arms, so there may have been some selective pressure:

"What if several adult tyrannosaurs converged on a carcass? You have a bunch of massive skulls, with incredibly powerful jaws and teeth, ripping and chomping down flesh and bone right next to you. What if your friend there thinks you're getting a little too close? They might warn you away by severing your arm"

In case of larger species with a tremendous bite force getting bitten in the arm would probably result in very bad, and likely very short, times.

when was the last time you heard any such news for PC

A few seconds ago, when I read that the new Linux kernel contains TCP related performance improvements!

I most certainly would if I owned a nuclear reactor.

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Just don't give them any ideas, before you know it they'll start selling bullets for a monthly fee: 'HP Insta Kill'.

Never point your gun at anything you aren’t willing to destroy

"Don't point gun at fellow cops, check. Okay, maybe except Ray, because he's just a total softy."

Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who noticed that. As for your answer, I have no idea. But my guess would be some hidden longing to get screwed himself, makes me wonder how often he dropped the soap in that Romanian jail..

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Hmm, in the meantime ADD me is more like: "wait, did I hear somebody talk to me? Yes, I heard words, but they made no sense. Better ask them to repeat themselves." Only for everything they said to suddenly click the moment they start to reiterate the first word of what they said. Slow word-processing is so annoying.

Yup, definitely interested in Starfield. But at the moment still enjoying Act I of BG3, Cyberpunk 2077 patch 2.0 and DLC are right around the corner and after I've finished those Cityies: Skylines 2 will be available. So I'll probably have time for Starfield somewhere early 2024, depending on if my recurring Satisfactory itch hits before that. But by that time more official and unofficial bugfixes and QoL mods will be available, so I'm fine with waiting a bit longer to play. This year is just filled with too many goodies. 😁

I've removed my Reddit account, including all comments, this morning. So I'm here to say!

The original Unreal. For me it was a perfect combination of beautiful graphics (back in the days of course) and a soundtrack which complemented and elevated the atmosphere of that game. And the gunplay was nice, with a collection of somewhat unconventional weapons. A relic from a time where developers were not afraid to experiment a bit.

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Trolling. I hope.

I've seen a lot of hate regarding Vortex, often backed without any arguments. So I guess you are just supposed to hate Vortex, but to be honest it works just fine for me. Try it out yourself, if you don't like it or run into issues you can always try something else.

They most certainly do unfortunately, I speak from experience. Haven't delved into the specifics, but I suspect some websites check if a piece of JavaScript or other resource was loaded, if not a 'you are using an adblocker' message is shown. It is annoying, but as I can live without these websites they go onto my personal blacklist and I move on with my life. They need us harder than we do them.

Only they did charge Apple prices. Their latest model cost about €3500, which (for Dutch standards at least) is insane for an electric city bike.

We are here to liberate you!

What was that saying again? Oh yes: "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

Also keep in mind that the maximum number of monitors depend on the resolution(s) you want to use. Don't expect to be able to have a monitor @ 4K in your chain for example. has a table with some examples of resolutions and the corresponding maximum number of monitors you can add to your chain.


Military-grade repellant you said? Time to break out the Star Wars Mosquito Defense System.

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You used to have to wait until level 20 to buy a mount. Level 20 took forever, and then you could only buy the slow mount for your race. You didn't get a fast mount until level 40, which took a very long time.

Ha, rookie numbers. In my time you had to wait for level 40 to buy your slow mount. Fast mounts were bound to level 60 I believe and were insanely expensive (I sold so much stuff in the auction house to get the money together in those days). Around level 20 or 30 Hunters got an aspect which increased their running speed before that and druids could shapeshift to travel form.