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No it isn't. The Democrats haven't had their convention yet.

What the fuck? Why would you do that!?

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I can't get over the fact that this is the guy who was supposed to be some kind of tech genius.

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Seriously? Anyone voting for mister "grab them by the pussy" has zero right to criticize a married man for talking about having sex with his wife. What an absolute nothing of a story.

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Maybe if they had expelled him over the child sex trafficking thing he wouldn't have been able to do this.

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I'm so glad the country doesn't have any actual problems that need to be addressed so the Senate can afford to spend time on nonsense like this.

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Um, what the fuck? Can people just not be terrible for a little while, please?

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The most common cause of their anxiety — the future.

Completely reasonable. I'm a Millenial and I also have a lot of anxiety about the future. Previous generations screwed us all really hard.

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But if teachers were paid well, more talented people might decide to become teachers, and then children would receive better educations and possibly start to question why our society is structured the way it is. Much better to solve the problem at its root and keep everyone ignorant.

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"Our company is like a professional sports team, except we are definitely not going to pay you like actual professional sports players." - a guy who makes way too much money

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“I don’t want them to advertise,” Musk said at the New York Times DealBook Summit in New York. “If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go fk yourself. Go. Fk. Yourself,” he said.

Some people think being wealthy proves that a person is smarter than everyone else or has some special skill that makes them more valuable to society. Then there's the richest man in the world who thinks it's a good idea to curse out his company's primary source of revenue.

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How many times does God need to tell us that gender reveal parties have to stop before we listen?

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It sure would be nice if Democrats were as committed to doing good as Republicans are to doing evil.

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I had the same question, so for anyone who doesn't want to dig through the article:

To defend its 2017 repeal of net neutrality rules, the Pai FCC argued that broadband isn't a telecommunications service because Internet providers also offer DNS (Domain Name System) services and caching as part of the broadband package. A judge said the Pai FCC was entitled to deference on this opinion—even if it didn't make a lot of sense.

Basically, Trump's lackeys legally classified broadband as an "information service" to screw the American people and the question is whether the Supreme Court will go along with this blatant nonsense.

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There is no red line. Netanyahu could literally kill and eat a Palestinian baby on live TV and nothing would change.

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If your organization knowingly tolerates any number of Nazis in its ranks, you have a Nazi organization.

Reddit's entire business model is based on convincing people to do 99% of the community management work for free by telling mods they can run their communities however they want. Then the moment those mods (who, again, are doing valuable work for zero pay) try to actually run their community however they want Reddit says "no, not like that".

This is an important part of it. The other part is the fact that success in politics is very hard without money, and most rich people aren't progressives.

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it does seem excessively lurid to suggest, without direct evidence, that they have been raped in captivity for the past several months

But you're just going to do it anyway?

Nothing to see here, folks, just Elon Musk, business genius at work.

Who cares? The Kremlin is still acting like we should be afraid of them, but harsh language is very clearly all they have to throw around at this point.

The fact that this monster lived a full century without facing any justice for the mass graves filled with his victims makes me ill, but I am glad to hear that he's finally gone.

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"If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches and pull it out 6 inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out, that's not progress. The progress is healing the wound that the blow made.. And they won't even admit the knife is there." - Malcolm X.

Every time I read about this game I wonder who the hell is giving them all this money.

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You are mistaken. Real doctors and patients made serious medical decisions based on the results from her tests.

One of the most troubling patient stories that Scavdis would learn about was the case of a pregnant woman whose Theranos test indicated that she was miscarrying. Gratefully, she later learned, she was not. Another woman revealed to Scavdis the pain and fear she experienced when her Theranos blood test indicated that her life-threatening ectopic pregnancy had been dissolved when, in fact, it had not.

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I cannot believe there are people still mad about Jackie Robinson. Do you people not have actual problems?

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Killing people is apparently 100% legal in the US as long as you use a car to do it.

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Three other competitors didn't survive what were supposed to be non-lethal qualifier duels on the day before the finals. One player tragically died right after winning a duel to a random explosion from their Goblin Rocket Boots. Another Goblin malfunction killed a player who was an official spectator for the fights.

I am so glad I clicked through. This is great stuff.

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Pushing for family values by making it easier to get away with beating your wife.

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Lol, no one's putting a gun to people's heads to make them act bigoted. If your response to being accused of racism is "Oh, yeah? I'll show you racism!" then you're just showing your true colors.

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Note the framing: it's the PROTESTS that are creating the rifts, not the support for genocide. Everything would be fine if the plebians sat down and shut up.

I am pretty skeptical of that number. As of a month ago, even the Russians were 'only' claiming to have inflicted 383 thousand casualties (, which we can take as an upper bound on the reasonable estimates.

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Reminds me of the fact that female ducks have really complex vaginas to try to avoid getting raped (and it doesn't work).

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Rich guys like Musk spend so much time getting their ego stoked that I think he might genuinely be unable to process the idea that he made a mistake. The wealthy can never fail, only be failed.

Oh, yes, please do. Just put that bullet in the skull of Twitter's zombified corpse and end its suffering forever.

The fact that Mexico is making progress on this is good to see, though also pretty embarrassing as a resident of the USA that our society is moving backwards at the same time.

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Sounds like he's deeply unwell. Fingers crossed the judicial system actually manages to help him, though I wouldn't hold my breath.

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"I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!" - guy who accepted a position as VP of the Leopards Eating People's Faces candidate

Johnson has a lot more spine than I expected, I'll give him that. He's still horrible, though. If we're lucky the spending bill goes through and then he gets removed anyway.

There's a similar issue with chocolate. The major chocolate brands were sued over heavy metal levels in their products a while back and had to agree to set upper limits, but it's still a concern.

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