Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far' to – 704 points –
Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far'

A second teacher at a high school in Missouri was put on leave after administrators discovered her OnlyFans side hustle.

Megan Gaither, 31, said during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she was placed on leave from her English teaching and varsity cheerleading coach position on Oct. 27 after district officials found out about her account on the OnlyFans platform.


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But if teachers were paid well, more talented people might decide to become teachers, and then children would receive better educations and possibly start to question why our society is structured the way it is. Much better to solve the problem at its root and keep everyone ignorant.

You are right. That would horrible.

Yes, the children yearn for the mines anyways. Just toss them in there and put some audiobooks over loudspeakers.

If that doesn't legally qualify as school, we can change the laws

Which is why the gym coach teaches history. He has an alternate name for the Civil War.

Polite Conflict?

The war of northern aggression most likely.

The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces opened fire on the Union-held Fort Sumter.

Cuntfederates: I'm going to ignore that.

Or the war between the states. Doesn't really matter, honestly. Anyone who uses an alternate name for it pretty much tells you that their sympathies lie with the confederacy.

That's not really a consideration to the state governments deciding on how and why to keep teachers pay low. A version of that is at play in circulum design, but not really in pay.

It's mostly a mix of:

  1. Hatred of public schools
  2. Their kids go to private, or well funded public districts
  3. Poor resource management within state budget
  4. Desire to weaken public education system overall, to advance vouchers, charters, etc.
  5. Power. Getting off on their raw exercise or power.

The people who designed the system decades ago might have had the more nuanced, if still evil, approach that you outlined, but not now. The current crop are a lot stupider and their conception of cause and effect is a simplistic version of 1-1=0.

Ignorance is bliss so by not teaching our kids we can make them happier. /s