Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far' to – 704 points –
Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far'

A second teacher at a high school in Missouri was put on leave after administrators discovered her OnlyFans side hustle.

Megan Gaither, 31, said during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she was placed on leave from her English teaching and varsity cheerleading coach position on Oct. 27 after district officials found out about her account on the OnlyFans platform.


Someone gets naked so everyone loses their minds.

People shoot up schools: thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers....

Religion is insanity.

Lots of countries have religion, but not many countries have guns as the leading cause of death among children and teens.

Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

Religion is insanity.

Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

You mean like Australia?

I am glad to hear no one, say in recent times, used religion to justify mass murder in Australia.

Australia was colonized only recently... so yes - religion was used as a justification to perpetrate mass atrocities on the people living in Australia.

You say that like every country apart from the USA does that, lol.

We’re supposed to have separation of church and state to avoid this type of violence from religious zealots, but the us government decided to legalize bribery so they used the insane wealth they’ve amassed, in part due to tax-exempt religious status, to buy their way in.

Europe on the other hand is the exact opposite.

Religion is insanity.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.... People shoot up schools

Everyone loses their minds so someone gets naked.

To be fair I doubt a teacher that shoots up a school would be allowed to keep their job either, but these days who knows.

That problem would probably get a lot less acute if you guys over there finally started to pay decent wages to teachers

But if teachers were paid well, more talented people might decide to become teachers, and then children would receive better educations and possibly start to question why our society is structured the way it is. Much better to solve the problem at its root and keep everyone ignorant.

You are right. That would horrible.

Yes, the children yearn for the mines anyways. Just toss them in there and put some audiobooks over loudspeakers.

If that doesn't legally qualify as school, we can change the laws

Which is why the gym coach teaches history. He has an alternate name for the Civil War.

Polite Conflict?

The war of northern aggression most likely.

Or the war between the states. Doesn't really matter, honestly. Anyone who uses an alternate name for it pretty much tells you that their sympathies lie with the confederacy.

The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces opened fire on the Union-held Fort Sumter.

Cuntfederates: I'm going to ignore that.

That's not really a consideration to the state governments deciding on how and why to keep teachers pay low. A version of that is at play in circulum design, but not really in pay.

It's mostly a mix of:

  1. Hatred of public schools
  2. Their kids go to private, or well funded public districts
  3. Poor resource management within state budget
  4. Desire to weaken public education system overall, to advance vouchers, charters, etc.
  5. Power. Getting off on their raw exercise or power.

The people who designed the system decades ago might have had the more nuanced, if still evil, approach that you outlined, but not now. The current crop are a lot stupider and their conception of cause and effect is a simplistic version of 1-1=0.

Ignorance is bliss so by not teaching our kids we can make them happier. /s

but... then... like....

how would we have actual teachers to wank off to on OF? huh? HUH?!

(/s. teachers shouldn't be forced to have a side hustle. Never mind, you know, doing gig-work pornos.)

^ Can confirm, have a teacher in the family and she struggles staying in the profession due to pay issue.

Agree teachers need decent wages but I'm curious why you view this (teachers running only fans sites) as a problem?

It's not a problem with onlyfans in particular but teaching is difficult and critically important work. It's a problem that teachers are not paid enough and have to look for side hustles (of any sort).

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How did they discover the page? I'm curious about this.

Gaither said in the interview that she made an account on the direct-to-subscribers website because she has over $125,000 in student loans and needed the extra income.

"Teaching does not financially support a person," Gaither said. "It’s really hard to stretch those paychecks during the summer. That’s why I did it."

According to the report, Gaither's pay, which includes a stipend for coaching the school's cheerleading squad, was around $47,500.

When Gaither took the account down, she claimed to have had around 1,500 subscribers and was bringing in an extra $3,000 to $5,000 per month.

47,5/12= ~3.96k per month

With an onlyfan page, she made more than the teaching job. The issue isn't her onlyfan page. It's the paycheck at the end of the month. They must pay more. Supervisors also have to stop going on onlyfan for other thing than work. I don't believe they discovered it by chance.

Onlyfan is one of the symptoms of low income not a problem.

Jesus, I make like 3k less and never finished college. I do a shit job on phones. She gets peanuts for putting up with BS and doing 1.5 jobs for a school. Teachers don't get enough.

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She's a high school teacher. I'm gonna guess the students figured it out first.

I'm in the "her life her business" camp, but I can at least see how that could be a problem given teachers like Mary Kay (I can't spell her last name, the blonde that seduced the 6th grader) but I'm also in the camp of: "parents it's your responsibility to police your kids" if the parents are concerned about their kids seeing nudity

deleted by creator

At 12, you are still developing and cannot give consent to an adult for something like that. The fact that he said it was fine as an adult is irrelevant and is why the term grooming exists. (By the way, he said during their separation that he realized it was never a healthy relationship.)

And then there's the "treat the cause, not the symptom." The cause was her low pay. She couldn't make ends meet and needed to rely on an OnlyFans account to supplement her income. Maybe pay teachers a livable wage and they won't need to get side gigs?

Or we could just fire every teacher who tries to make ends meet in a way that some parent disapproves of and then have no teachers left.

Which one of those kids is gonna rat out their teacher?

My guess it was someone in admin who found it ... maybe not the first but they would have been the one to pull the plug.

None of them.

Well... Not on purpose. I could totally see someone blurting the gossip in the school cafeteria.

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It is sad to me that the focus isn't on trying to pay her a living wage so she doesn't have to have a side hustle. And by the way, all the "free market, lift yourself up by your bootstraps and just get another job" judgmental assholes can just fuck off because that's exactly what she is doing.

Teacher pay, aide pay, and student loan debt should be the conversation were having here in my opinion. Not the morality of only fans and especially not useless crap like her username.

Exactly this. My wife was a teacher, but hasn't been in a classroom in over 15 years. When she was pregnant with our second son, we did some budgeting. Take her salary and subtract after school care for our oldest son and daycare for our youngest son and we had $3,000 left over. Not $3,000 a month - $3,000 a year.

And that was before clothing appropriate for school, supplies for school, gas to get to school, and the mydrid of other expenses that come with being a teacher. If she remained a teacher, we wouldn't be earning money. We would be paying for her to remain tracking

So she stopped teaching and became a stay at home mother.

(By the way, we used her salary because hers was the smaller one. Had mine been the smaller salary, I would have quit and become a stay at home dad.)

We once calculated how much she earned per hour. Given that she was getting in before school to set up, working late after school to help kids out or grade papers, and working holidays to get lesson plans in place, she was making less than minimum wage. She would literally have made more per hour at McDonald's.

Teachers are very important and deserve more than "maybe, if you're lucky, you'll end up with minimum wage."

Same situation, same calculus.

All up we were $100/month "better" off with my wife working.

We agreed that "paying" $25/week was worth it to have mum at home raising our litter.

It was very nice to come home to a relaxed home rather than a stressed gang of animals.

I think we need to change the focus, in order to get the misogynists on board. Explain to them that by not paying the teachers in the local District a living wage, they will force all the hot teachers onto OnlyFans to make their living. And their sons will only have frumpy teachers when they get to high school. That ought to scare them.

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Speculation about Gaither's involvement on the platform began in mid-October when she was seen in a video posted on Coppage's account. While the video didn't include Gaither's face, it was recorded at a party, and she was seen in a public picture wearing the same costume that was worn in the video posted on OnlyFans, according to the report.

So are we not going to call into question the “professionalism” of whoever found this video? Or did someone just accidentally make their way to onlyfans and pay to access her content. 🙄

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This is DISGUSTING. Someone please post her handle or website so I can avoid it.

Probably not smart to use your real full name for this as a teacher

Or it is, because once you get expelled from teaching and your name is making headlines, you can rake in the $$$ from all the free advertising

I think this is the reposting of her site, like she had it another way but her name is out there so might as well use it now

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How do those "officials" find these OF accounts? 🤔

I mean she did use her real first and last name on the account? Not exactly intense detective work.

That implies they're specifically searching for their female teachers on onlyfans like horny 14 year olds.

Y'all, it explicitly says in the article she was found by a student who did some 4 Chan level of detective work when she showed up in a different video on someone else's page.

Ah, the ol' highschool rumours. Spread like wildfire, or nudes in this case.

Or the horny 14 year olds found her account and, being 14, didn't keep it to themselves.

Why would they tell these "officials" lol? The next question would be "you didn't masturbate did you?"

But but but, what are those "officials" doing on OF if they think it's "bad"?

They get it all wrong. In an increasingly online society, this is a nice way to keep the parent-teacher conferences interesting.

But seriously, I don't get the problem with sex work. It's not like that's in any way shape or form relevant for her teaching capabilities. Sex does not become immoral just because you point a camera at it and all these people had to have sex to have children in the first place. Where's the outrage about children living with their parents? These monsters have sex with each other! Some even while the children are at home!

Well I personally think the real issue here is teachers graduating with too much debt and the fact that most teachers are forced to have some kind of second job in order to pay their debt, bills, & rent \ mortgage.

Stop trying to address the root cause of thie actual issue and humanizing these people. You need to act performativly OUTRAGED and have a moral panic fueled by your repressed sexuality!!1!

Meanwhile, business continues as normal in religious schools where hundreds of thousands of American children learn under actual pedophiles. That, however, is ok because getting fondled or raped by a priest has an association with the magic sky guy.

I agree with you and teachers have been long underpaid, but also I think this is symptomatic of the middle-class squeeze that has been in play for a long time. The wealth consolidation, out of control costs for higher education, and inflation is strangling the middle class and the poor, IMO starting to strangle the economy, and stories like this are the blood squeezing out around the fingers as the grip continues to tighten.

The only way I can see this becoming a problem is if the kids can't focus in her classes because they know she has an OnlyFans account. But kids have imagined fucking their teachers since I am sure teachers have existed, so it would just be an extension of that and she probably would have strategies to deal with it.

i named my cum sock after my secondary school english teacher

That might just have been oversharing.

I needed more information. Context. Maybe even a personal anecdote. But this went a little extra. Correction: very extra

As a chronic masturbator I always though cum socks were a myth as tissues have been invented. You live and learn.

The teaching community (as an institution)has some pretty specific thoughts on how to maintain the parent/student relationship and it involves maintaining some kind of curated image to their students.

One time, when I was maybe 25, I saw a gaggle of good looking women at a pub about the same age as me, and then they came over and asked how I had liked the conference. "conference?"

There had been a teacher conference and a large group went for drinks later and assumed I was also a teacher. I lied and joined the group.

We ended up going to a nightclub later, and one teacher saw that a few of their students had managed to get into the club, and they LOST IT. Not upset at the kids, but they were captured by abstract horror at the thought of their student seeing THEM at the club.

I pushed on it a little bit, like "shouldn't they be the ones worried about seeing you?"

And like, the whole group thought I had lost my mind. If COURSE the students couldn't see us there, how would they ever respect us if they understood us as humans with our own lives? The teacher/student relationship would evaporate. Anarchy. The response to my question was immediate and unanimous.

So... I gotta say... I don't really get it... But there is a culture and mindset within the teaching community that is extremely foreign to me. And, based on my personal experience, I suspect that suspending OF teachers is probably the popular response within the greater teaching community as a whole. I'd be REALLY curious if there is any data that disproves my hypothesis.

I think the idea is that a lot of teachers feel they cannot maintain a proper teacher-student relationship unless the student see them as some sort of ultimate authority on something, and seeing them as humans might put cracks in that. I don't agree with them since most of the teachers I loved the most in school were the ones I could empathize with, but it was certainly the way a lot of my teachers seemed to believe when I was in school.

I agree. I got the impression it was something they all were taught while getting their education degrees. It reeks of policy developed on ancient and flawed pseudo-psychology

That being said, I know dealing with kids is hard. I can well remember how I thought every parent was stupid and that parenting was easy before I had kids.

I can't say I have a better way, just that I'm suspicious ofthe current mentality.

The mindset gets embedded into teachers pretty early in their careers. I met my partner in college and was with her while she was a middle school teacher for years so I got the to see this develop in realtime. Education students need to have absolutely flawless records in order to even be eligible for hire. If they have so much as a drunk and disorderly charge on their record then they are essentially barred from teaching because the background checks are so stringent.

It largely depends on the age of students that's in question, but you also have to remember that teachers are always at the mercy of the parents. They need to deal with a diverse range of religious, political, and educational backgrounds and try to maintain neutrality. Administration will almost always bend to a parent complaint - it's largely just the way our education system is structured in the US.

So my wife teaches at a college / trade school, and has worked there for about 5 years. Previously she was a field engineer with a lot of experience working with the trades. She prefers to be "one of the boys" but can also play the professional role.

So at first she figured "well we are all adults here" and treated everyone as peers who were there to learn. It didn't take long for her to be frustrated and burned out. She told me it's too hard emotionally to think of the students as people, much like how livestock cannot be pets (we have a farm, lol).

There's an endless stream of them and some are good, some are bad, some don't try and some give it their best but don't have what it takes. Some ask her if she's on Tinder or have an Onlyfans... Ick. You can't get them all through the course and you can't develop relationships with them or their stress and emotions will rub off on you.

So she started putting up this firm barrier where she is the teacher and they are the students. Changed her style of dress from business casual to "unapproachable career woman", puts on that teacher attitude, and is enjoying her life a lot more.

However it results in that odd behaviour mentioned above. If we go out to a casual pub to eat pub food and drink beer, when one of her students walks in the door she's practically hiding under the table. "They can't see me like this! I don't have my makeup on, I'm wearing jeans, I'm drinking beer from a can! They have to think of me as a teacher, not an ordinary person!"

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I had a science teacher in highschool that I happened to bump into at a Magadog show. Turns out he was friends with the band. I smoked a joint with him that night and nothing was different on Monday morning.

We ended up going to a nightclub later, and one teacher saw that a few of their students had managed to get into the club, and they LOST IT. Not upset at the kids, but they were captured by abstract horror at the thought of their student seeing THEM at the club.

In highschool, I worked at Sam’s Club as a cashier (one of those bulk-sales places with memberships, like Costco.)

Just before school started, I had teachers come through stocking up on candy. 2-3 of them. They started acting squarely because how dare teachers shop for school supplies.

It was pretty funny, though. They had a giant flatbed filled with candy, among some other things.

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I don’t get the problem with sex work.

Sigh. You must not know any sex-workers then.

The recent glamorization of sex-work is something that exists solely by those who do not participate in it.

I think you misunderstood. There certainly are problems with sex work. Woman being forced into it and living under terrible conditions for example is a big problem with the industry. But this post is about the outrage of other people. What I certainly don't get is the problem people see in others doing sex work voluntarily. There is nothing morally wrong with having an OnlyFans account or doing any other type of sex work if you chose too. It is just as valid a choice as any other type of work. We should just make sure the conditions aren't abusive.

I've seen a lot of advocates for legalization, if not glamorization, come from the sex work industry. Aella, for example.

Legalization is different from glamorizing.

It should be legal, but should not be glamorized. If you don't understand the latter half, it's because you don't know sex workers and probably base your idea of the profession around a few popular outliers.

The vast majority of sex workers hate their jobs and encourage everyone to steer clear of the profession.

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This is the only reaction people will have when the article drops about her getting fired. Then she gets more viewers, and probably makes more than she ever would have as a teacher.

This is ridiculous. What she does on OnlyFans has absolutely nothing to do with her performance as a teacher and it is disgusting that teachers that we desperately need are not only getting fired for being forced to do outside work to afford to be able to live and also buy supplies for their own classrooms but that they're getting excoriated for it.

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Horny parents outraged that their obsession is also teaching their kids.

"She's on OnlyFans!"

How do you know?


Plus 125k in student loans and ~50k salary? What the fuck else is she supposed to do?

The real unfortunate thing is that she's lucky in that she's attractive and willing to do this. There are a lot of teachers who are in the same financial situation but don't have that as an option.

Lmao, ok here me out.

I think, maybe, just maybe, that some horny teens at the school figured it out and told. Just a bold theory.

Not a theory, the article says a student slipped a note under her door saying "We know your secret".

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There is an option, at least for teachers. If they keep the loans with the original provider then they do have the option in 10 years to qualify for teacher forgiveness. The entire loan is forgiven once you qualify. So work with the loan company to come up with the smallest monthly payment possible and wait it out. Covid no payments for 3 years all counted as qualifying months towards this as well. I know this because my wife is a teacher and just started paying last month again, but only have 3 more payments until this is all over with! I can't tell you how much less stress I'll have once 90k is wiped....

Best to mention that PSLF has like a 3% forgiveness rate, and half of Congress is constantly trying to undermine it. If you make the minimum payments for 10 years and then your PSLF fails, you will easily end up owing much more than you initially borrowed due to interest.

Source: Partner is eligible for PSLF, has been making payments since 2014 and owes a lot more than initially borrowed.

Edit: for the people (person) who downvoted.

Numbers as of 2021, only 2.2% of borrowers had their loans forgiven. Of that 2.2%, only 32 people (not percent, but people) had their loans forgiven after making 20 years of payments using the IDR plan.

My partner borrowed about 50k for their bachelor and masters degrees, currently owes ~59k. They have never missed a payment, or had a late payment, and they graduated with a Master's in Biology in 2013

My head still does the dumb math on those numbers and immediately goes, "125k loan, 50k salary, she should have that paid off in 2.5 years!"

I have no idea why I still need to take a second to figure out that it doesn't work that way. How the hell did I ever pay off my student loans?

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The irony of this is being put on administrative leave and ending up on the news is likely to make her OF blow up. Probably a win/win for her.

I had friends in college, including one who was an ed major, who helped pay for their education by working in the local strip club. No one gave a shit because social media didn't exist back then. But could you imagine if it got around that the student teacher was also a stripper? How dare she for some reason!

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Imagine giving a shit if someone makes porn in their free time.

I had a home ec teacher that was found out to do playboy spreads. As a young teenager I did not care. My parents did not care(they were hippies). Who cared the most were dumbass older teenage boys for some reason writing her porn name on the chalkboard before she came in one day. It was like they were angry at her for turning them on. That’s when I realized men’s sex education and support for processing complex thought and feelings around relationships and sex is abysmal.

It might not have been about making them horny. They just found something to bully the teacher about and used it. Teenagers are monsters.

Teenagers raised by monsters are monsters.

Nah, seen plenty monstrous teenagers with decent parents. But with monster parent its more likely monster teenagers.

But maybe your right, i cant see inside homes, maybe all monster teenagers have parental deficiencies.

Actually agree.

IMHO we are entirely the product of our environment and upbringing: initially a blank slate. Deficiency or poison in either produces problems.

Sometime those deficiencies and poisons are parents.

Nah, there are definitely correlation and causation in a lot of cases but there are definitely also kids who are just born evil, as if they're infuriated at the world for their having been born.

They're a rare breed but far too dangerous to write off when discussing things that affect the public.

I fundamentally disagree that someone can be born evil.

Someone can be born a psychopath, but they can still be raised to logically understand the norms of society and mimic them.

There are, however, a couple of generations born with lead poisoning from leaded petrol: that will stop a brain functioning properly.

If you don't understand or respect your emotions it isnt like you suddenly don't have them, you still do you just don't know what to do with them.

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Probably not a popular take but I can at least understand it from the perspective of it just being easier to put her on paid leave than to play whackamole punishing every kid who starts bullying her or disrespecting her because stupid teenagers.

It's the dumbfuck no tolerance logic that inadvertently encourages kids to respond to being bullied by pulling a knife since they gettin' punished either way for being in a fight, but it does make the twisted kind of sense you can expect from admins who hate nothing more than doing their jobs instead of sitting at their desk playing minesweeper all day.

Perpetuating the stigma isn't going to help either. Kids take their cues from adults.

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Imagine if we just paid teachers better so that they didn't sometimes resort to this to make ends meet. Nah, let's persecute the poor teacher instead!

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I keep wondering when the war on teachers is going to spread to my district. Given how many Republican "parent choice" signs I see up I don't think I have long. Really would have liked my kids to go to a functional school.

I don't care if my kids teacher does porn.

I don’t care if my kids teacher does porn.

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

I don't get your point other than snark. Frankly I don't think you get it. When some Karen causes issues it hurts everyone. It means teachers quit, it means less go in the field, it means that parent-teacher relationships are more sour.

Yes I don't care if a teacher does porn and me not caring matters as much as the fuckface who decided to care about this! We have for some freaken reason decided that whomever gets offended is the one who makes the rules as long as they are louder than the ones not offended.

As long as it does not involve kids - why would we care?

Choice for everything we're care about the way we want it under our rules! Take it or leave it!

Hell I'd just be watching and jacking myself anyway. I wanna go to the PTA meeting, and that is like hell for me so, you know...

"Discovered"... Uh hunh.

Like those family members who outed the other family members for not keeping their eyes closed while saying Grace at the table.

I always just happened to be picking my nose with my middle finger and looking directly at them. Try me, cousin. Me & Satan are like >this<, so who's on your team?

You think she planted the story? That's interesting. Anything's possible.

No, that the admins "discovered" her account as part of some official investigation, rather than subbing avidly before ratting her out from their own unprocessed self-loathing (or getting caught perving, who knows).

edit: I'm not even gonna begin to unpack the sociological content of "cheerleader coach" and "sexualized teacher".

Some dude's wife found out. No way the dudes ratted on her.

Do you have any idea how many videos I had to watch until I discovered something that I found offensive, it's disgusting. Only fans needs a better search engine.

Am I wrong in assuming that OF, and people making money of it, isn't that mainstream at all?

Pure speculation here, but I feel like it's an American thing. With the minimum wage over there being stupid low, coupled with "grind-set culture", the young generation is doing everything it can to make money to meet their fame-obssessed ideals. The effort to reduce sex-worker stigma probably helps a lot too.

if by "fame-obsessed ideals" you mean earning a living wage and being able to buy school supplies for your students, then yes.

Cost of living troubles aren't unique to America, and yet 45% of OnlyFans content creators are American. There's something else at play, and I'd argue it's cultural.

Grind culture to meet their fame-obssessed ideals rent.


Yeah possibly. Although rents over there aren't any worse than here in Sydney Australia, or Auckland NZ, and yet 45% of onlyfans content creators are American.

the young generation is doing everything it can to make money to meet their fame-obssessed ideals.

What the bleeding hell is that supposed to mean?

"Being rich" is idealised by Americans, their culture is baked in it. The Kardashians, every YouTuber flaunting their exhaustive fortunes, people showing off wads of cash on Snapchat/Instagram. The whole bit about having an android phone being a turn off, which seems to be almost entirely isolated to Americans. If I had to guess, I'd say it stems from African Americans requiring money to "escape the hood", and that culture permeating to other ethnicities (likely via music). If my theory is correct, then it would follow that people might go to greater levels to attain wealth in a culture that idealises it so heavily. Did that explain my viewpoint?

I'm not going to write a paper because it's 0100 my time and I mean this politely. You are wrong. What you're seeing is the veneer presented to the world by Hollywood and Social Media. American youth are actually turning their backs on traditional status symbols like cars.

The success of this veneer is indicative of my point. You can't hand wave social media away, this upcoming generation is deeply involved in it. The success of these trends means they're being actively consumed. There are loads of studies suggesting youth develop mental health disorders as a direct result of seeing (often financial) success amongst peers on social media. I did posit that my point was fairly speculative, but at least I cited commonplace social trends bolstering my point. You've just said "no, not true".

Yeah sorry about that it really was one in the morning. So I wasn't going to write much more than that. You're not wrong that Social Media can be damaging to mental health in kids more vulnerable to peer pressure. But once kids are at the age where they're turning into adults we're seeing far less consumption of fashion and luxuries. That is a combination of the cost of living crisis and some x factor we haven't figured out yet. But they are driving less, drinking less, having less sex, buying less fashion, less jewelry, less services, etc.

Every economic indicator is a drop in demand. And studies like the iPhone/Android one forgo looking at any actual cause, leaving people to believe whatever they want. Like the fact that Apple restricts the features available in a chat with non Apple devices. So now the entire Internet is blaming a subset of teenagers for Apple's anti competitive behavior.

Good for her, if shes okay with it its cool with me. Teachers and healthcare workers get shafted so hard it isn't even funny. Not like schools teach anything worth knowing anymore.

You ain't lying. Most of the bartenders at my favorite bottle shop / brewery are teachers doing a side hustle. They need the money.

Want your teachers to stop doing OF and more on the side? Pay them better.

Without school you wouldn't be able to write this comment.

Maybe I'm just a spiteful bastard at heart, but if we could drop all the gullible types who say things like "I never learned anything useful in school" on their own planet I think they'd learn pretty quickly that while they didn't learn shit the people making society work around them did.

Like, how do you not even have enough of your would-be street smarts to know that what you're saying sounds like propaganda to defund schools even more?

Statements like "I never learned anything useful in school" completely misses the point of primary education. There is, objectively, quite a few subjects that are "unnecessary" to learn but even if kids don't remember the factoids and formulas they learn how to learn. So when they move on to higher education they know how to take notes, how to study, and that it's okay not to understand everything immediately.

Besides maybe the basic skills, I'd definitely say my parents generation definitely had better education. Then again, even with the basic skills, I question peoples' abilities to read and write properly because of things such as the Internet (and soon I'll probably end up blaming AI). I also include myself in that questionable category.

My parents taught me to write. School taught me to write in cursive.

I also read a lot on my own until shitty schools books killed my interest. That probably wasn't the sole cause, but it was a big part of it. I just couldn't dedicate time to reading on my own when I had to really put in effort to get through the school stuff.

The books usually assigned in school are literary classics. Such as The Giver, Tuesday's with Morrie, the grapes of wrath, the adventures of huckleberry finn, the odyssey, of mice and men, Moby dick, the importance of being Ernest, death of a salesman, and I could keep going. You are telling me those books are shitty? I don't think the books are the problem.

No those books were good and I definitely had an interest in learning English reading those. But child brains can't focus(well not mine atleast) and those books have very hard English and no images to make them interesting. It did teach me to look up hard words in the dictionary and now I'm pretty decent in speaking/writing in English. But the bad thing that I would point out is exams. You can't be expected to writing words like that and 3 page answers to each question and that to determine whether you'll pass or fail. Like all my answers used to be correct but since I wrote less in pages I would always get less credit on my answers. Also as someone who's been diagnosed with ADHD the 3 hours during exams were hell. I kept zoning out and looking at everyone else instead of the exams. And the bullying ofc. Good and bad experiences alike. Still i fail to see why online courses woudn't do the same thing. Children are naturally curious to learn for themselves and forcing things obviously doesn't work.

Oh as a teenager reading those books I definitely didn't enjoy them as much as I do now as an adult. As an adult I 100 percent enjoy reading more compared to my younger years but I still found some of those story's very compelling.

ADHD can be a pain in the ass especially when you are being forced to perform in an environment that is basically your worst enemy. I don't think standardized testing shows who's smart and who isn't. It shows who's better at memorization and concentration maybe. I also hated word counts as well and that why I also liked scientific writing better because it's to the point and cuts out all the fluff. I love reading the fluff now but not into writing it myself.

Well yeah, it was admittedly too complicated for me too. I just crammed all the words and regurgitated them in the exams. Doesn't exactly counts as "learning", parroting more like.

As an adult i still can't focus and keep reading the same sentence over and over and none of that enters my brain lol. Now I use Google TTS to read the Light novels to me, i still zone out at boring parts but I still get the basic gist of it.

I still do that myself I'll read a whole page and then realize I have zoned out the entire time and remember nothing. Usually that happens when I'm not as invested in the material. I'm current reading the wheel of times series and am enjoying it. However it has it's boring or just overly detailed areas that I find myself zoning out more in.

I only read one of those books for school, Huck Finn. That was a good book. We only read a tiny bit of the Odyssey, which I also enjoyed. We just had lots I didn't like. Great Expectations, The Great Gadsby, Shakespeare (yea, all of it, I said it), and Canterbury Tales come to mind. The last one mostly because of it being middle (?) English.

And I read stuff now, and none of it is genres I read in school. Just for 10 years after high school I basically didn't read.

I get that it is honestly hard to read stuff you just don't connect with or find interesting on some level. I absolutely loved the odyssey and huck finn. I can completely understand people not getting on board with Shakespeare especially when you're younger.

I've definitely gone back in red some of the really popular books back when I was in high school because I can appreciate them more now. However, I still read a ton of fantasy novels and stuff like that which I find more interesting then most things I read back then.

Whatever she does or any teacher do after work is non of any body's problems. If any teacher wants to show their bodies on the web... Let it be. I don't see any issues with it. We have many problems around the world and out of nowhere this is an issue???

I dunno man, I think that the fact she teaches high school kids specifically, who by now all know about it, means that she has no hope of being an effective teacher at this point. It's a massive distraction, as unfair as that is.

She had to have known this was a possibility when she decided to start an onlyfans - there's almost nowhere in the country where you won't get fired as a teacher for that, progressive or conservative states alike. Society just isn't there yet.

Besides the potential bullying they can do to her is frankly insane

I can see your perspective but I think you have to also see that there are people out there who wouldn't agree.

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For someone in that position, it is a problem, though. If students get around to seeing their teacher naked or engaged in sexual acts, that becomes an issue. If it were 100% guaranteeable that that couldn't happen, then you'd be right, but with it on the internet, that's just not ever going to be a foolproof thing.

Why is that an issue?

Apart from the general disruption in the teacher-student relationship, it opens up a whole quagmire of how aware the teacher is of a student's engagement with their content. Especially once the work is known of, it's essentially a guarantee that at some point the teacher will be receiving money from a student for their content, which is clearly unacceptable.

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What's the difference between it being their teacher and the millions of other naked women they can see on the internet?

Because the millions of other people (this isn't a gender thing) aren't responsible for those minors. It's also not just finding "naked people on the internet". Onlyfans' whole objective is to profit off of parasocial relationships. Models are directly engaging with their customers, and in a situation where a teacher ends up willingly or otherwise selling sex media to their student, obvious problems arise.

The problems are so obvious you still haven't listed sny of them.

I suppose I'm not sure what part of "teacher sells nudes and/or sex videos to student(s)", purposefully or not, isn't obviously problematic, but in general, the potential variations of issues are inexhaustible: determining whether the teacher is knowingly engaging their students, managing student behavior around the teacher, upholding the teacher's authority with their students once the story is known, etc etc etc. There is no putting a lid on that sort of situation.

Ooo shit. She was offering free weekends for hee students? She was distributing promotional material to her students? She was telling them to sub to her OF?? Or are you reaching?... its equally laughable that you believe students even knowing about this would degrade them into wild animals that no human could constrain.

It's a problem whether the teacher is actively engaging students in that way or not. And you're the one that demanded hypothetical specifics. Did you do that just to shit on them for being hypothetical? Or are you gonna discuss this in good faith?

Damn, if the kids are signing up for OnlyFans, maybe their parents are the responsible ones for not monitoring their Internet usage?

In high school, many of these kids are 18. Plus, you often don't need to actually sign up in order to see plenty of explicit stuff

And OF shouldn't be allowing minors to access content in their site, but things aren't perfect, and horny teens are going to be horny teens. This isn't about who's "responsible", it's about having realistic expectations.

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Come to Missouri! We may not have the best schools, but our schools have the sexiest teachers!

Yeah, none of my teachers would have made any money on OnlyFans. Possibly a single substitute I had once in middle school? But the rest, no way.

NO! Teachers are supposed to be poors and any attempt to not be poors must be exterminated with extreme prejudice, otherwise children will get a proper education and grow up to be harder to exploit and control... Get it?

Imagine being a horny 16 year old and finding out your hot teacher posts nudes online...

I feel like I missed out on seminal moment in my childhood because all my teachers were like 50 years old. Where was my hot English teacher? All I got was an old bat who hated children and didn't bother to hide it.