Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far' to – 704 points –
Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far'

A second teacher at a high school in Missouri was put on leave after administrators discovered her OnlyFans side hustle.

Megan Gaither, 31, said during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she was placed on leave from her English teaching and varsity cheerleading coach position on Oct. 27 after district officials found out about her account on the OnlyFans platform.


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I had a home ec teacher that was found out to do playboy spreads. As a young teenager I did not care. My parents did not care(they were hippies). Who cared the most were dumbass older teenage boys for some reason writing her porn name on the chalkboard before she came in one day. It was like they were angry at her for turning them on. That’s when I realized men’s sex education and support for processing complex thought and feelings around relationships and sex is abysmal.

It might not have been about making them horny. They just found something to bully the teacher about and used it. Teenagers are monsters.

Teenagers raised by monsters are monsters.

Nah, seen plenty monstrous teenagers with decent parents. But with monster parent its more likely monster teenagers.

But maybe your right, i cant see inside homes, maybe all monster teenagers have parental deficiencies.

Actually agree.

IMHO we are entirely the product of our environment and upbringing: initially a blank slate. Deficiency or poison in either produces problems.

Sometime those deficiencies and poisons are parents.

Nah, there are definitely correlation and causation in a lot of cases but there are definitely also kids who are just born evil, as if they're infuriated at the world for their having been born.

They're a rare breed but far too dangerous to write off when discussing things that affect the public.

I fundamentally disagree that someone can be born evil.

Someone can be born a psychopath, but they can still be raised to logically understand the norms of society and mimic them.

There are, however, a couple of generations born with lead poisoning from leaded petrol: that will stop a brain functioning properly.

If you don't understand or respect your emotions it isnt like you suddenly don't have them, you still do you just don't know what to do with them.

As a young teenager I did not care.

Were you a young teenage girl? Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys' psychology. There's absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.

I would agree with your other replier on this. Furthering that, I would say this is the teenage boys' attempt to challenge authority by undermining her authority with her open sexuality as a tool. They found a leverage to have power over her. And they're going to use it to the full extent. They're at a point in time of their growth where they find their social hierarchy. Almost every male mammal engages in this. They pick fights and they learn where they stand by winning and losing. And they want to get as high as possible. This explains the anger that you pointed out, because challenging authority and fighting is inherently similar emotion to anger.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Please let the adults who are educated continue discussing these topics. Literally everything you just said was wrong.

If you're an adult, you should learn to address the argument, not make ad hominem attacks.

Dear kavanaugh,

Stop raping women and pretending like it’s just the beer talking.

We sincerely hate you,


You still lack the ability to address the content. You're just spewing out things you're familiar with. You're not actually engaging in any discussion.

No one should rape anyone. I don't see how this is relevant to this discussion.

Which part of what he said was wrong?

Apparently nothing. Since I've had 0 actual counter argument so far. All I got is name calling and starwman.

Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys’ psychology. There’s absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.

Ah. I see you are one of those types of bigots.

As you surely didn’t forget a whole array of other non binary genders some of which actually get beaten to death for ‘turning straight men on.’

Also some cultures will stone women for ‘turning men on enough to rape them’. That has nothing to do with ‘challenging authority’ in fact it’s gross you even compare it to that. It’s all about attacking vulnerable.