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Article doesn't say no attorney would take the case. It says they talked to a lawyer. And they're in limbo. Meaning they're still deciding how to pursue this matter.

“We’re still in this process of figuring out what to do,” she said. “We keep pressing in different directions to see if something is going to happen.”

So they're looking for the best approach. Not that there is a lack of approach.

An attorney would happily take a losing case. They get paid either way. Their job is to get the best outcome possible, not to win a lawsuit--though that may end up being the best outcome.

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I've actually started... walking to work. It takes me like 45min. So it's not a short walk, though it's a very short car commute. But the world is so different now that I'm walking. Having lived in car dependency vs walking is so different. And it's healthy for you too. More people should try it, if i's possible.

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This is a false narrative people keep pushing in order to ignore the reason pandas became threatened. Their population decline has one and one reason only, that is: habitat loss. In other words, as usual, it's human fault.

Pandas mate and pump out healthy babies perfectly fine in the wild. They only refuse to mate in captive environments filled with onlookers. This is a very common behavior among captive animals of many different species, not just pandas. Probably most humans too.

I'm Asian. So I could wear a mask and not get the stink eye even before covid.

Things that should become obviously acceptable often doesn't seem to do so due to some sort of cultural acceptance.

Like in regions most susceptible to malaria, they hate mosquito nets. Yet if I lived there, I'd mosquito net everything even without malaria!

Japan's birth rate isn't even that low anymore comparatively to other nations.

Take a look at South Korea. It's nearly half of Japan. Japan is like 1.3 (OP's article) and SK is at 0.7 ( SK is the absolute dead last in the world. Even China is lower than Japan now at 1.2 even after getting rid of the 1 child policy.

Think the west is any different? Canada also hovers at round 1.3. ( - just sourcing 1.3, I don't actually agree with their reasoning) Canada's population only increases because of massive immigration they accept. And immigrants from poorer countries are more likely to have children than existing. So, might even rival SK if we were to not count 1st/2nd gen immigrants, though we don't have such exact data collection, only corollary.

Unfortunately many large corporations actually get money from the gov rather than pay. Negative tax is a real thing and only takes a quick search to find corps that's very profitable actually getting paid billions by the government.

Like these companies got money from gov while being profitable.

It fluctuates quite a bit from year to year as grants and various benefits change every year.

The embargo acts as an example to everyone else not to fuck with USA oil. Because if you do, they'll be super petty and make you miserable until the end of time.

I get your point... But I feel like people in this thread doesn't know how cake making works...

20 people will make a single cake faster. Not 20x faster, but faster. There are multiple part of the work that can be divided out to different people. Like you can have one person make batter while other makes icing. Fancy cakes actually do take multiple people to make simultaneously.

But it does alleviate them from a second suit.

I'm not sure I'd call that fortunate.

Covid has reached a ubiquitous state where it's a constant presence around us. Similar to how cold and flu virus are. So in a sense, the high concern and detailed tracking is over. And we must simply accept that there is one more virus as part of our lives. It's not over in the sense that it's gone. That certainly will never be now.

Truly living the sandbox dream there.

You need to visit temples to get powers. They're like words of power in skyrim.

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The real estate industry currently out lobbies the oil industry by a factor of 10 right now. That's what's wrong with america.

Article headline is bullshit.

Their source doesn’t say 61% of Gen Z.

It only surveyed people who already have anxiety.

So it’s 61% of gen z with anxiety have a official anxiety diagnosis from a medical professional.

Article is bullshit anyway.

Their source doesn't say 61% of Gen Z.

It only surveyed people who already have anxiety.

So it's 61% of gen z with anxiety have a official anxiety diagnosis from a medical professional.

He's not being a white knight towards this specific woman.

He's raising the topic of what is best for society.

I agree with his point. Law and order doesn't exist to punish people or to get revenge. It exists for the benefit of society. And putting people in jail, making them unable to contribute to society and becoming a permanent burden on society is bad for society. It doesn't do any good.

Frankly, I think it's better for society to just bring back the guillotine if we aren't going to rehabilitate.

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What is the specifics of the lie that they said?

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Saturated fat is part of a healthy diet. Too much of it is bad. But too little of it is also bad. Balance is the most healthy thing.

I remember that now. Yeah, no idea why they said such at the beginning. It's not like masks were a new invention with covid. Asian countries regularly use mask with flu.

If AI art is stolen data, then every artists on earth are thieves too.

Do you think artists just spontaneously conjure up art? No. Through their entire life of looking at other people's works, they learned how to do stuff, they emulate and they improve. That's how human artists come to be. Do you think artists go around asking permission from millions of past artists if they can learn from their art? Do artists track down whoever made the fediverse logo if I want to make a similar shaped art with it? Hell no. Consent in general is impossible too because whole lot of them are likely too dead to give consent be honest. Its the exact same way AI is made.

Your argument holds no consistent logic.

Furthermore, you likely have a misunderstanding of how AI is trained and works. AI models do not store nor copy art that it's trained on. It studies shapes, concepts, styles, etc. It puts these concepts into matrix of vectors. Billions of images and words are turned into mere 2 gigabytes in something like SD fp16. 2GB is virtually nothing. There's no compression capable of anywhere near that. So unless you actually took very few images and made a 2GB model, it has no capability to store or copy another person's art. It has no knowledge of any existing copyrighted work anymore. It only knows the concepts and these concepts like a circle, square, etc. are not copyrightable.

If you think I'm just being pro-AI for the sake of it. Well, it doesn't matter. Because copyright offices all over the world have started releasing their views on AI art. And it's unanimously in agreement that it's not stolen. Furthermore, resulting AI artworks can be copyrighted (lot more complexity there, but that's for another day).

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What gives a human right to learn off of another person without credit? There is no such inherent right.

Even if such a right existed, I as a person who can make AI training, would then have the right to create a tool to assist me in learning, because I'm a person with same rights as anyone else. If it's just a tool, which it is, then it is not the AI which has the right to learn, I have the right to learn, which I used to make the tool.

I can use photoshop to replicate art a lot more easily than with AI. None of us are going around saying Photoshop is wrong. (Though we did say that before) The AI won't know any specific art unless it's an extremely repeated pattern like "mona lisa". It literally do not have the capacity to contain other people's art, and therefore it cannot replicate others art. I have already proven that mathematically.

Cost them more? I don't think people realize Unity's been working at a loss every year since the beginning, burning investor money. Just shutting down is quite frankly more profitable than continuing as is.

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Maybe he turned into a bear like in Baldur's Gate 3

I see current classic Bethesda as just a modders sandbox. Which I actually like. So starfield has been inline with my expectations.

Moon buggy mod may come out eventually. You can ride dragons and fly around in Skyrim.

Wait... so you're 30min late for work everyday because you sleep in?

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There are many different niches of ML. 99% of hobbyist would use consumer grade hardware. It's quite frankly more than good enough.

Even in commercial usage, consumer GPUs provide better value unless you need to do something that very specifically require a huge vram pool. Like connecting multiple A100 GPUs to have hundreds or tens of thousands of gigabyte vram. Those use cases only come up if you're making base models for general purpose.

If you're using it for single person use case, something like 4090 is actually the best hardware. Enough ram to run almost anything and it's higher clock speed than enterprise GPU means your results come back faster.

Even training doesn't require that much vram. Chat models are generally more vram heavy but if you're doing specific image training like stable diffusion for how to render your face, or some specific fetish porn, you only really need like 12GB of vram to do it. There are ways to even do it at lower like 8GB but 12 is sweet value spot where even 3060 or 4060ti can do. Consumer GPUs will get that trained in like 30min to 24hrs depending on settings and model.

There's a lot of relativity in the left-right stuff.

Like California right is almost always more left leaning than the US federal left. Similar with Canadian right is more left than US left. But of course, california right is gonna be more right than california left, and canada right is gonna be more right than canada left.

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I only played like 15hrs of vanilla Skyrim. But played like 1000+ hrs of modded Skyrim. I've now played about 30hrs of starfield. If the modding scene gets as big as Skyrim, I think it would have merit in longevity.

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120K lands you at 86th percentile [1]. So... relatively, you are sorta well off.

Sure, you can't buy a house with that income in a big city. But that merely shows how fucked up the real estate bubble is. Just think, the top 86th percentile earning person is no where near enough to even buy a home. Houses are about 1m in my neighborhood. So you need to earn about 250k/yr to realistically afford a home. That lands you at 97th percentile. So just top 3% of the people can actually afford a home on a single person's salary. That's how fucked we are.

The median income for a non-family household (i.e. single) is 45k, and family household is 95k (possibly dual income) according to 2023 census [2]. So, you're doing relatively quite well in comparison.

Who is "wealthy" is a subjective term. So a median person might see someone making 120k as wealthy. But the person earning 120k might see themselves as poor since they can't even own a home. Historically, the single income middle class could afford homes.

Silver spoon? I don't think even calling him a gold spoon would be enough. Maybe diamond spoon.

At that point, it probably starts costing steam more money in support agents.

If you're an adult, you should learn to address the argument, not make ad hominem attacks.

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First, a misunderstanding on what is non-profit vs charity. Non-profit doesn't mean they're a charity. It means their primary goal isn't profit for its owners. A charity is always non-profit, but a non-profit is not necessarily a charity. A charity is an entity whose primary purpose is to provide resources to its mission and therefore spends into negatives if not for donations.

Accounting is a complex topic. Unless you're willing to delve into an organization's finances in detail and have capacity to understand it in context, it's best to just say: I don't know shit. That includes me. Should something be 65-75%? I have no fucking clue. Because we don't know what these numbers entail. We don't know how they operate and we don't know how we're diving these percentages.

Take american red cross for example. An excellent charity with great reputation, full audits, independent board members, etc. You can view their financial score on the charity navigator (easier to understand then suddenly looking at annual reports). Scroll down to Financial Metrics and then look at Program Expense: Ratio. 90.64% (2022). This is the kind of number you're expecting to see. 3.2% goes to administration and 6.2% goes to fundraising. Seems good. Right?

But what does 90% of the program expense really include? It likely includes whole lot of complexities you aren't thinking of immediately. Like logistics cost of delivering goods in need. Some of those are expenses which will go to for-profit 3PL companies. Necessary cost, of course. It also would include salaries of any professionals or boots on the ground that's going to do the labor. It's going to include costs of anything they need to buy to operate. Etc. At the end of the day, we have no real understanding of how much money is actually going to someone in need versus how much money is needed to do get to that point. That will include lot of things we have no idea that even exists. Regardless of complexities, they spent 90% of their money into funding the program as a whole. So we need to understand that we're comparing a single thing here versus a concept of a whole.

But the biggest takeaway here is that above is a spending ratio from the COST. Not revenue.

The number that we're seeing in 1-8% are charitable case divided by revenue, not something they spent. So these are a calculation of reduction of revenue due to charity. If a hospital spends $1M on a new MRI machine and a doctor to operate it (I have no idea what they cost, just giving numbers here). Collect $1M from paying patients. Not collect $1000 from charitable cases. Then the ratio of revenue would be 0.1% and profit would be 0. But what does that mean from a cost perspective...? 100%. 100% of your cost and revenue goes into program. Would that mean the hospital is doing a fantastic charitable job? Hell no.

The program expense ratio metric is completely meaningless if it's not a full on charity. Quite frankly, most for-profit business would be in 90% range as well.

Easier to show than to explain.

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I said I'm for unions. Strangely people replying to me seems to be ignoring my very first line.

But there's no evidence that unionized workers wouldn't make shit games just as well.

That's not how AI art works. You can't tell it to find art and plug it in. It doesn't have the capability to store or copy existing artworks. It only contains the matrix of vectors which contain concepts. Concepts cannot be copyrighted.

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Sorry, this is wrong.

As a general statement: No, I am not. You're making an over specific scenario to make it true. Sure, if I take 1 image and train a model just on that one image, it'll make that exact same image. But that's no different than me just pressing copy and paste on a single image file. The latter does the job whole lot better too. This entire counter argument is nothing more than being pedantic.

Furthermore, if I'm making such specific instructions to the AI, then I am the one who's replicating the art. It doesn't matter if I use a pencil to trace out the existing art, using photoshop, or creating a specific AI model. I am the one who's doing that.

I actually started on the day when it was 40°C / 104°F in humidex. Significantly less than favorable conditions. But I figured, if I can do that, I can do any other day. I do have the entire path with sidewalks though. And even a little bit of a park I can cut through.

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Probably stops at civil war.

They become semi-side quests once you reach a certain point in the main quest line. Technically, I think you only have to collect just one to three of them to finish the story. I'm not 100% sure though, I too have been too distracted by non-mainline quest thingies.