People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office to – 1473 points –
People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office

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Wait... so you're 30min late for work everyday because you sleep in?

That's someone properly refreshed, ready to do some quality work!

3 day week, 4 hour day is doable, but my goodness would it cause wild upward pressure on wage levels....

Wage inflation is not good apparently...

So what they are saying is basically large companies have a ridiculous margin and can raise wages (but will not, unless unemployment rate is too low because efficiency) and small companies will go broke or loose all of their workers if bigger ones raise.

That almost sounds like a systemic problem, ain't it?

If you didn't think this was the case in most offices I have a movie to show you

Well if you think like this, it's no wonder they are ending WFH.