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Joined 1 years ago

I don't think anyone in this community is going to argue that Trump didn't break the law, egregiously and many many times. What everyone doubts is that there will be any real consequences for the wealthy elite, especially this one.

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Stop complaining about how old he is and look at his actions.

Or maybe vote for Trump so we can have Walmart Hitler. SMH.

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It is sad to me that the focus isn't on trying to pay her a living wage so she doesn't have to have a side hustle. And by the way, all the "free market, lift yourself up by your bootstraps and just get another job" judgmental assholes can just fuck off because that's exactly what she is doing.

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"Let's delay the case" says the unqualified Trump appointed judge who should have recused herself.

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Now that the seditionists are getting prison terms, VOTE VOTE VOTE. The next Republican president will pardon all of these assholes instantly.

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Well he campaigned on "lock her up" and despite nearly a dozen investigations and her testifying in front of Congress for 10 hours, guess what happened? Zippity doo daa

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Fuck Musk. He built an entire automotive platform on the concept of "sustainable transportation" and took those on the right to task for denying climate change. NOW he's supporting the POS GOP candidate that had the audacity to call climate change a "hoax" repeatedly at the debate. Fuck you Elon!

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I don't understand how anyone reasonable would think it's somehow good that he "stands by his words". He's essentially confirming he's a bigot, racist, and general waste of oxygen. Hopefully the "free market" can figure out what he does for a living and make his life suffer as much as he wants others to suffer.

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Meanwhile farmers in Iowa get the majority of their income off the fat teat of the US government. Go fuck yourself hypocrites.

Of course he didn't ask the judge assigned to his case that HE APPOINTED to recuse herself.

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lol republicans asking a justice to recuse themselves.

Citizens v United assholes. I can think of no better example of justice bias and fucking Clarence was the deciding vote. Fuck y’all.

How appropriate that International Dog Day is today. Bob was truly a hero to our furry friends. "The Price is Wrong, bitch!" lol.

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we need to stop with this general anti-Russian sentiment.

Let us know when Russia stops committing war crimes and gets the fuck out of Ukraine. Until then, STFU.

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Fortunately the Colorado Supreme Court gave the SCOTUS a deadline of Jan 5 to rule or STFU. This will go a long way towards determining whether we continue to have somewhat of a democratic-ish country or we run full steam into fascism.

Not sure I believe "historic levels". See Pre-WWII America and the American Nazi Party as example. Highly recommend Rachel Maddow's book Prequel for details of how close America came to an alliance with Nazi Germany.

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0-2 losers. Confederates and Nazis. Losers.

Just like he did when he shared highly sensitive information about the defense system in Gaza with Putin, who then traded that info for ammo to the Iranians, who then passed it along to Hamas, who, well, you know how that went.

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Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?

Everybody here knows that 15 players protested the cruel actions of their coach a few months ago and were......left off the team. 3 apologized and were allowed back on the team. There is a history of misogyny on this team before this incident. The culture in Spanish soccer is rotten to the core.

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Would you be okay if he and his son monitor each others masturbation frequency? Do you have any bar that seems excessive for a father/son relationship?

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Completely agree - If doesn't block very shortly I will move to a different instance.

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We could have healthcare. Or free college. We are all complicit in this, like it or not.

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Prediction: voter fraud will happen in Ohio next year by republicans. With the abortion vote results, republicans will do everything illegal to prevent a blue Ohio as that guarantees a Biden win.

TIL 1 in 5 Americans is a god damn idiot

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Ruling made by state supreme COURT. Claims lack of “due process”. Have you EVER taken a civics course or just have your PhD from Fox News?

And then maybe he will threaten to move it to the international court of justice in The Hague! Jk, this clown is providing giant comedic value for everyone. Except his cult of course. This is a real 4d chess move to them.

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The GOP has created a really shitty life for a lot of people.

It's a feature, not a bug.

Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years. Way more progressive policies passed than Obama but I guess none of that matters because he’s old.

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We finish the job we failed to complete in 1865?

Who the fuck supports the Republican approach to this case? Really what. The. Fuck.

Everyone should listen to Biden on Conan OBrien’s podcast. He’s old but not demented. He’s the president we need but don’t deserve.

Any citizen of the US that votes for this bozo should forfeit their citizenship.

They have had this debate in court nearly 100 times and have never proven anything.

Meanwhile, out of 160 million votes, there were 2 cases of fraud from Trump voters.

The descent to fascism is steep and at this point I’m not sure imprisoning Trump will have an effect. Look at what Texas and Ken Paxton did in negating over 2 million mail in ballots that would have won Texas for both Biden and Beto.

Republicans want to raise voting age because young people are increasingly realizing that Republicans are authoritarian bigots.

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This exchange is why they want to raise the voting age to 25.

Hopefully, those in their youth will not forget what this Republican Party has done to address climate change. Never forget and never vote Republican.

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Source: Mary Trump

Does this surprise anyone? I mean, Trump has already been shown to cause a spike in hate crimes ( Any minority or non-white male voting for Trump is either 1) insane or 2) thinks they are immune to hate crimes (which is also insane).

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Bankruptcy will lead Rudy to flip. Sadly, it will mean nothing. The US descent to chaos accelerates.

Would be great if all the pro 2a trolls in this thread had the same outrage for all the dead kids in the US from firearms. Smh.

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What, Donald Trump wasn't available to give his reaction too?