Trump tells judge he may try to move Georgia election interference case to federal court | CNN Politics to – 160 points –
Trump tells judge he may try to move Georgia election interference case to federal court | CNN Politics

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And then maybe he will threaten to move it to the international court of justice in The Hague! Jk, this clown is providing giant comedic value for everyone. Except his cult of course. This is a real 4d chess move to them.

I don't find the justice system being made a mockery of very funny. Maybe that's just me.

I didn't understand that as making fun of the court as much as it's making fun of the orange kumquat's stupidity and utter depravity.

It’s only a mockery if the courts stop caring or like when some fuck-wit judge in Florida gives him a pass for no good reason.

I have no problem with a defendant trying whatever they can, it’s the results that matter. Hell trump could shit his pants and try the ted nugent defense. I do t care so long as a judge with half a brain calls him on it.

It would be amusing if there were very little chance his antics would work in his benefit. Personally I think it looks like the criminal justice system is hanging by a thread next to democracy. That's not as amusing.