Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

Lee to – 242 points –
Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

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Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years. Way more progressive policies passed than Obama but I guess none of that matters because he’s old.

I am not sure I agree with best in 50, but I'm open to being wrong. I do know that each time I read a list of his achievements, it's kind of impressive for someone who gets shit on constantly

Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years.

How utterly depressing.

lol. How influenced by the social media algorithms do you have to be to interpret “best” as “utterly depressing”?

Someone blithely asserting that this is the best Democrats are capable of is utterly depressing.

I'm sorry your standard for "best" is "some rando on the internet said it was best!"

Name a better presidency for progressives from a policy perspective in the last 50 years. I’ll wait.

Obama. The ACA, even the version we got after centrist Democrats gutted it with zero help from Republicans, is still a greater accomplishment than Biden's entire damned presidency.

And touting that as a great accomplishment is almost as pathetic as pretending that Biden has been a good president as far as progressive policy is concerned. If this is all we have to show for the past 50 years, "utterly depressing" is high praise.